Tuesday, July 18, 2006
here is y I am anti calthlic
Here is the truth on the cult many millions are in good fileto email to a cultist
Unbiblical Catholic Doctrine
The adoration of Mary as the Mother of God (against Luke 1:46-49; John 2: l-5)
The esteeming of Mary as being a perpetual virgin - proclaimed by Pope Pius IX - (against Matthew 12:46, Matthew 13:55)
The esteeming of Mary as being sinless (The Essential Catholic Catechism, 129) - (against Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, 1 John 1:10)
Mary is our spiritual mother (misapplying John 19:25-27 via Ad Caeli Reginam)
Salvation dispensed through Mary - (against 1 Thessalonians 5:9)
Mary's claim via vision to St. Alphonsus that she is "the door" in opposition to John 14:6 "I am the Queen of heaven and the Mother of Mercy. I am the joy of the just and the door through which sinners come to God." (Dictionary of Mary, 298)
"her manifold intercession [she] continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation." (The Essential Catholic Catechism, 172)Mary as a intermediate to Christ
(against 1 Timothy 2:5)"
Nobody can approach the Supreme Father except through the Son, similarly nobody can approach Christ except through the Mother." (The Essential Catholic Catechism, 214)
Seven Sacraments vs. the two of Baptism and the Lord's Supper1. Baptism - Biblical - infant baptism in unBiblical2. Reconciliation/Penance/Confession - unBiblical - Council of Trent (1551)
3. Holy Eucharist - unBiblical in terms of transubstantiation
4. Confirmation - unBiblical - Council of Trent (Sess. VII, De Conf., C. iii)
5. Matrimony - unBiblical as a sacrament6. Holy Orders - unBiblical - (Moses was married, so was Zacharias)
7. Extreme Unction - unBiblical - Viaticum for this SacramentTradition is of equal authority with the Bible - Council of Trent (the error of the Pharisees-Matthew 15:3)
Papal Infallibility - (against II Thess. 2:2-12; Rev. 17:1-9; 13:5-8,18)
Its use of indulgances or prayers out of pergatory (never been condemned) - (against Hebrews 9:27)
Repetative prayers and Hail Marys - (against Matthew 6:7)
Transubstantiation - (Jesus died once Hebrews 6:6)P
riests and mediators - (against 1 Timothy 2:5)T
he concept of Mass and the re-offering of Christ -
(against Hebrews 9:12, 26; 10:10-14, 17-21, 26)Changing the Bible to fit doctrine (such as Jesus having no siblings)
Ordination of women - (against 1 Corinthians 14:34)
Justification was pronounced as anathema by Council of Trent - (against Romans 3:28)
No salvation outside of the Catholic church.-Fundamentals of Catholic Faith, 309-13 & Handbook of Catholic Theology, 506"Every one is obliged, under pain of eternal damnation, to become a member of the Catholic Church, to believe in her doctrine, and to submit to her authority."..."We profess to believe that Jesus Christ has established a visible Church, endless in her duration, and infallible in her doctrine, which we must believe and obey without reserve, if we would obtain eternal salvation; and that this is no other than the Roman Catholic Church." - From Deharbe’s Catechism.
Totality of the Catholic Church"According to Catholic doctrine the fullness of Christ’s heritage is found only in this outward, visible Church, with its headquarters in Rome. The Church is the "totality of his revelation, totality of his sacraments, and totality of authority to rule the people of God in his name." - The Catholic Catechism,
213Peter as the "rock" of foundation of the church - (against Matthew 7:24, Romans 9:33, 1 Corinthians 10:4, 1 Peter 2:8)
"I am joined in communion with your Holiness, that is to say, in communion with the Chair of Peter. I know that it is upon that rock that the Church has been built."-St. Jerome, Ad Damasum, circa 420 A.D.
Unbiblical Catholic Doctrine
The adoration of Mary as the Mother of God (against Luke 1:46-49; John 2: l-5)
The esteeming of Mary as being a perpetual virgin - proclaimed by Pope Pius IX - (against Matthew 12:46, Matthew 13:55)
The esteeming of Mary as being sinless (The Essential Catholic Catechism, 129) - (against Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, 1 John 1:10)
Mary is our spiritual mother (misapplying John 19:25-27 via Ad Caeli Reginam)
Salvation dispensed through Mary - (against 1 Thessalonians 5:9)
Mary's claim via vision to St. Alphonsus that she is "the door" in opposition to John 14:6 "I am the Queen of heaven and the Mother of Mercy. I am the joy of the just and the door through which sinners come to God." (Dictionary of Mary, 298)
"her manifold intercession [she] continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation." (The Essential Catholic Catechism, 172)Mary as a intermediate to Christ
(against 1 Timothy 2:5)"
Nobody can approach the Supreme Father except through the Son, similarly nobody can approach Christ except through the Mother." (The Essential Catholic Catechism, 214)
Seven Sacraments vs. the two of Baptism and the Lord's Supper1. Baptism - Biblical - infant baptism in unBiblical2. Reconciliation/Penance/Confession - unBiblical - Council of Trent (1551)
3. Holy Eucharist - unBiblical in terms of transubstantiation
4. Confirmation - unBiblical - Council of Trent (Sess. VII, De Conf., C. iii)
5. Matrimony - unBiblical as a sacrament6. Holy Orders - unBiblical - (Moses was married, so was Zacharias)
7. Extreme Unction - unBiblical - Viaticum for this SacramentTradition is of equal authority with the Bible - Council of Trent (the error of the Pharisees-Matthew 15:3)
Papal Infallibility - (against II Thess. 2:2-12; Rev. 17:1-9; 13:5-8,18)
Its use of indulgances or prayers out of pergatory (never been condemned) - (against Hebrews 9:27)
Repetative prayers and Hail Marys - (against Matthew 6:7)
Transubstantiation - (Jesus died once Hebrews 6:6)P
riests and mediators - (against 1 Timothy 2:5)T
he concept of Mass and the re-offering of Christ -
(against Hebrews 9:12, 26; 10:10-14, 17-21, 26)Changing the Bible to fit doctrine (such as Jesus having no siblings)
Ordination of women - (against 1 Corinthians 14:34)
Justification was pronounced as anathema by Council of Trent - (against Romans 3:28)
No salvation outside of the Catholic church.-Fundamentals of Catholic Faith, 309-13 & Handbook of Catholic Theology, 506"Every one is obliged, under pain of eternal damnation, to become a member of the Catholic Church, to believe in her doctrine, and to submit to her authority."..."We profess to believe that Jesus Christ has established a visible Church, endless in her duration, and infallible in her doctrine, which we must believe and obey without reserve, if we would obtain eternal salvation; and that this is no other than the Roman Catholic Church." - From Deharbe’s Catechism.
Totality of the Catholic Church"According to Catholic doctrine the fullness of Christ’s heritage is found only in this outward, visible Church, with its headquarters in Rome. The Church is the "totality of his revelation, totality of his sacraments, and totality of authority to rule the people of God in his name." - The Catholic Catechism,
213Peter as the "rock" of foundation of the church - (against Matthew 7:24, Romans 9:33, 1 Corinthians 10:4, 1 Peter 2:8)
"I am joined in communion with your Holiness, that is to say, in communion with the Chair of Peter. I know that it is upon that rock that the Church has been built."-St. Jerome, Ad Damasum, circa 420 A.D.