Saturday, May 20, 2006
oldie and a goodie
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwaalse rdly they are ravenous wolves.
Who is a false teacher. I think this is worth talking on and defineing. Jesus is telling his own that they are not good and they need to be marked out and avoided. I think a false teacher is one that tells lies and makes up false teachings from the bible. Any teacher that denys that Jesus is God and died for my sins and by grace allows me into the kingdom is false. Anyone that adds to the Holy word of God is wrong. They might even mix some of the Good news and prevert it. They might add to the news some bunk like the filling of the spirit or baptism. So what does the bible say about the false teacher. First they are not be given ANY time of the day. They are out to kill people and to even study them or with them is dangerous. They are killer and long to tear me away from Jesus.
Three kinds of false teaching. First there are heretic. This is ones that openly teach lies about the bible and docurine. The bible always needed to be looked at when it being taught. When a preacher is not right he needs to confronted. Apostate teachers are ones that at one time taught the right things about the Lord. Some are going to turn from the true faith. Some issues they could turn on: Assureance, Charsmatic teaching, filling of the Holy spirit, the false teaching of the cult church. Like for example the teaching of Calton Person that at one time said the Lord Jesus is the only way but now thinks now all faiths teach the right way. He is not right. Anyone that teaches the bible is going to be held up to another judgement. So is this teacher in fact lost his salvation. If so then the Lord is not right and in the other side he is saved by the skin of his teeth.
What is the motives of the false teacher. One is the gain of money on the Lord. It is so wrong to try to teach the bible then in the spirit say they want cash for their own gain. I do think it is ok to pay bible teachers and to take good money for them. I get pissed of when they try to make the bible say they are owed wage. People in their mind are oweing money to people. Jesus said we are to give to him and him alone and threw the local church. Paul did take a offering so the people could give so I am not sayig that it is wrong to give to teachers of the bible if they are not teaching the bible for money. Pastors are not in it for the cash and any christian workers are missionarys. People that do the tasks of working for the Lord are to be taken care of by the Lords people. I need to give to the Pastor the best I am able to. But the pastor is a man that the church needs to take care of money wise. We need to provide a good living for the pastor. The pastor is to teach the truth and be careful what he takes. One more thing preacher are never to ask one that does not Jesus for any money at any time for any reason. One MUST be saved to give. It is a family thing in the Lord to support the work of the teacher, one who ever puts salvation in the context of money is a fake and all his other teaching is wrong.
Who is a false teacher. I think this is worth talking on and defineing. Jesus is telling his own that they are not good and they need to be marked out and avoided. I think a false teacher is one that tells lies and makes up false teachings from the bible. Any teacher that denys that Jesus is God and died for my sins and by grace allows me into the kingdom is false. Anyone that adds to the Holy word of God is wrong. They might even mix some of the Good news and prevert it. They might add to the news some bunk like the filling of the spirit or baptism. So what does the bible say about the false teacher. First they are not be given ANY time of the day. They are out to kill people and to even study them or with them is dangerous. They are killer and long to tear me away from Jesus.
Three kinds of false teaching. First there are heretic. This is ones that openly teach lies about the bible and docurine. The bible always needed to be looked at when it being taught. When a preacher is not right he needs to confronted. Apostate teachers are ones that at one time taught the right things about the Lord. Some are going to turn from the true faith. Some issues they could turn on: Assureance, Charsmatic teaching, filling of the Holy spirit, the false teaching of the cult church. Like for example the teaching of Calton Person that at one time said the Lord Jesus is the only way but now thinks now all faiths teach the right way. He is not right. Anyone that teaches the bible is going to be held up to another judgement. So is this teacher in fact lost his salvation. If so then the Lord is not right and in the other side he is saved by the skin of his teeth.
What is the motives of the false teacher. One is the gain of money on the Lord. It is so wrong to try to teach the bible then in the spirit say they want cash for their own gain. I do think it is ok to pay bible teachers and to take good money for them. I get pissed of when they try to make the bible say they are owed wage. People in their mind are oweing money to people. Jesus said we are to give to him and him alone and threw the local church. Paul did take a offering so the people could give so I am not sayig that it is wrong to give to teachers of the bible if they are not teaching the bible for money. Pastors are not in it for the cash and any christian workers are missionarys. People that do the tasks of working for the Lord are to be taken care of by the Lords people. I need to give to the Pastor the best I am able to. But the pastor is a man that the church needs to take care of money wise. We need to provide a good living for the pastor. The pastor is to teach the truth and be careful what he takes. One more thing preacher are never to ask one that does not Jesus for any money at any time for any reason. One MUST be saved to give. It is a family thing in the Lord to support the work of the teacher, one who ever puts salvation in the context of money is a fake and all his other teaching is wrong.