Sunday, May 14, 2006


Mother Rolfe

Ok Brad told me that I ought never shut this site down and I never will. I am reaching who knows who and what hits them so I am never stopping. When I want this to be printed and given to all who attend and then I never want this to be off the internet. I want the Lord to keep me alive to do the whole bible preached by me so I learn it and give it out. It is the call of every saved person. If you do not have a personal plan to reach others get one because your going to be called to give one out on the day Jesus calls you to stand before him.

Grace Church in CA is really being user friendly. John is preaching on hell in the morning and the Catholic Church at night. When I talk about Grace from now on unless noted it is Grace in CA. Not the place in Sartell. If Sartell is used I will note it. I am trying to make cds of mp3s of the messages from grace. I want to note them for play on my player and cut them up so I am able to listen to them on my player and stop them and stop them.
Mom day so I am going to share some thoughts of my Ma Jan Rolfe because I got to think today she really was a good mother. I went to camp and my Mom wrote me all the time. She always was a strict lady but that is what mom is going to be. A good mom does not put up with things and Jan did not put up with misbehavior and when I could fool some Jan was never fooled. She hauled me to many scout nights and camp outs and when the scouts had a bad skit Mom would not like it and I heard about it. In our lifes their were not many things that I got by with and not a lot of secrets but Bob and Jan were fair and good parents. I was the one looking back that killed our relationship but even after I moved to the group home mom send me a letter every week. I miss the letters and with email I would love to do the same thing. Mom never gave up on me where some did and she at the end did a good Job and I miss her and still love her but I guess now it is more of I see the hell I put Jan in but she did a great Job and raised me the best she could. Jan was a great mom even if we have not talked I kind of after thinking about it love her more tonight than I ever have. I owe everything and I mean everything to Jan and Bob. They are who I am tonight and any success I will ever have in my life is first and foremost Gods doing but the Lord gave my parents more patient love than most and if they did not raise me and I was raised by anyone else I would not be who I am. They did it in tough firm love and more giving than I could ever think of deserving or begin to pay back.

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