Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Dressing for Jesu and God keeps his word

Well lets spend some time in the book of Hebrews.

Hebrews 6 13 For when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, 14 saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” 15 And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. 16 For men indeed swear by the greater, and an oath for confirmation is for them an end of all dispute.
I am going to remind of the story in the book of Genis where God made the contract with abe. In the agreement back in the time you would swear by cutting a cow in half and both partys would walk in between the cows and this was a blood oath. In the convent with Abe you are going to find that God went though and Abe did not. That makes God a dead man if he breaks the contract with Abe. It was to give Abe the earth and God made the covenant. It was one of the first things God did in salvation. In salvation this means that God swore a oath to keep us onto the end and we are going to gegt to heaven if we have trusted Jesus and have been given the promise.
17 Thus God, determining to show more abundantly to the heirs of promise the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath, 18 that by two immutable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold of the hope set before us.
SO here is to me the matter of eternal life and that is in 18. God cannot lie and tell you you’re his and then not fill the thing he is going to do and that is salvation and heaven. Also another thing I take here that the entire bible is the word of God and that means we do not have to wonder if it applies to us. All the moral laws in the book are for today and there is a ton of them in there. Jesus said if we love HIM we are going to follow him and his commands forever. God does say the thing we are to do is to love him first.
Also in 18 I think of the truth that we are to flee the world and all it offers for the faith in Jesus. We are not to be a part of the world but separated unto Jesus. We are to be different and seprate. I want to give a thing I read that is something I personally have seen happen in my life. I am going to step over many lines I know but I have been on BOTH sides and the same thing has happen to my when I am seeking Jesus.

Momma, the 4 younger kids and I were out of the house ALL day yesterday with ortho appointments, shopping for a graduation gift and church. Momma dropped me and the 3 younger kids off at the mall first thing yesterday morning before taking Joshua to his first appointment that day. While we were at the mall, we looked around at a few stores for a graduation gift for my cousin and went to a Hall-mark store to look at the mother's day cards.
The 4 of us had our backs turned to the counter as we were looking at the cards and after awhile, one of the workers there made a comment about how she liked mine and my sisters' skirts. She asked if we had made them and I told her no. After I had found a card I liked, I went up to the counter to purchase it. Again, the lady started talking to me and asked if we were homeschooled. When I told her, "Yes", she responded that she could tell that we were.
Later that afternoon, we were in a Goodwill store and as I was looking at the books, a lady asked me where we went to a church. Since we were about an hour away from it, I just told her the town it was in. She then wanted to know what denomination and suggested Catholic ( ?......maybe we reminded her of the Von Trapp family :) ). I told her that we were Baptists and she then asked if we wore dresses all the time. I told her that we did and she then replied that she couldn't do that. I didn't say anything to that and either then or sometime before then she asked why we weren't in school and of course that led to the shocking statement about my age, but I did tell her that my siblings were homeschooled.
Why did I say all this? I just thought it was living proof that it IS important what you look like, how you behave, where you go, etc.!!! My sisters and I were just wearing denim/kacki skirts with colorful tops and Caleb was wearing his dress pants, shirt and tie for church, but I guess we just "stood out" because we were modest and my siblings weren't running around the stores tearing things up. That just shows us that man does look on the outside!! What do they see when they look at you and me?
"Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:" II Corinthians 3:2

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