Friday, May 19, 2006
code is here
Ok frei nds I am going to dive right into the code. If you see it let me know how it is and if you do not ok. Let me go over some errors in this movie so you got a heads us.
1 More than once in the book, the protagonist, Teabing, makes the claim that the canonical gospels are not the earliest gospels. Instead, he claims, the suppressed Gnostic gospels are the earliest written gospels and the canonical gospels were selected from among 80 other gospels.
No the bible has four gospels and they have your entire going to need. The Lord inspired the cannon and the 4 gospels in the cannon are all written before the end of the 1st century. On error in that the Peter gospel said a man must become a woman to get saved. All the gospels fit into the rest of the bible and they are alone what the Lord wants you to know about Jesus. If you go into the others books then you find all of them written a long time after the Lord and they are given respectful names so they might be read.
2 The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the 1950�s.
No in 1947 the scrolls were found.
3 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gnostic texts found at Nag Hammadi are the earliest Christian Records.
No the scrolls were Jewish documents and the context had nothing about Jesus in them. They are dated about ad 68 to ad 70. They were there put there due to the romans coming after them. Friends not one gospel is in the scrolls. None of the truth gospel were in the scrolls because they were hid by the Jews and the Jews did not think Jesus died and rose from the dead. He did rise and that is a truth that if you do not trust your toast.
4 Jesus Christ never claimed to be divine and was never worshipped as a deity until the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Jesus said he was the way to God and nothing else but him lead to God and heaven. Jesus is God and I am going to do the book of John in time here so we are going to get into this deal big time in the summer or later. Jesus is to be prayed to and is the reason people can come to God.
5 Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene
Nothing in the bible ever claims this and if they did I missed it. Jesus was God and did not need marriage. Marriage is to meet ones need and to allow for the procreation of the human race. This why Gays are not to get married. They do not procreate and the needs are not meant to be filled by one of the same sex. God made the woman to fill the mans needs and the man to fill the woman needs. Jesus never gave you gays the right to marry and the land we live in needs to stop giving you rights you really are not meant to have.
6 Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine changed the day to coincide with the pagan veneration day of the sun.
We worship on the first day of the week because that is the day Jesus rose from the dead. We worship the Lord because he is worthy and is praised for his work of salvation.
7 Constantine personally selected the books of the New Testament.
No the spirit put the bible together. I think I hit that in a earlier post.
Here is a good thing on how to respond
Outreach in the Wake of 'Da Vinci'
by Lee Strobel
I'll be honest: my first reaction to Dan Brown's red-hot page-turner, The Da Vinci Code, was unmitigated anger. At its core, the novel's message is that Jesus is not the Son of God and that Christianity is a fraud.
While the book is appropriately labeled fiction, its clever blending of fact and fantasy has managed to convince many people that its underlying premise is true. For example, one out of every three Canadian readers of the book now believes Jesus has descendants walking around today.
The book's claims about Christianity are so outrageous, so convoluted, so contradictory and so demonstrably false that the novel has spawned a mini-industry of books debunking it. Yet that doesn't seem to have settled the matter.
The solution, I came to realize, is to stop getting angry and start using the book as a positive impetus for spiritual discussions. Now that the movie version is close to hitting the silver screen, these opportunities are going to proliferate in the coming months.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the book that sought so fervently to discredit Christianity ended up spurring countless seekers on a spiritual journey that ultimately took them to the real Jesus? We can help accomplish that spiritual jujitsu, but only if we're thoughtful about how we interact with friends and neighbors. Here are some thoughts:
Dive into the adventure. Getting into spiritual conversations about this movie is going to be one of the easiest evangelistic endeavors in memory. People love to talk about this story.
Read the book, see the movie. Okay, I don't like putting money into Brown's pocket any more than you do. So instead of buying the book, borrow it from the library and watch the movie at a lower-priced matinee. You'll find yourself simultaneously fascinated by the story line and frustrated by its mangling of history. Still, you've got zero credibility if you try to interact with someone without knowing firsthand what the controversy is about.
Prepare yourself. Pick from one of the slew of Christian books that sets the historical record straight and get educated about the flaws — both obvious and subtle — in the Da Vinci story.
Speak with gentleness and respect. After all, that's what we're told to do in 1 Peter 3:15. If we caustically criticize our friends for naively buying into the book's phony history, we're insulting them and putting them on the defensive.
Don't assume anything. Just because your friend has read the book or seen the flick, don't presume he has bought into the story's claims. Maybe he realizes it's bunk. Ask diagnostic questions to determine the influence the book or movie had on him, such as: "What did you learn about history that surprised you?" Or, "How did the story affect your personal beliefs?" This way you can pinpoint problem areas.
Don't major on the minors. The big issue is the way the book undercuts trust in the gospels and Jesus' deity. When time is limited, focus on these topics rather than try resolve every peripheral point.
Partner with your church. Take advantage of outreach events, sermons, discussion groups and other initiatives your church might be undertaking. For example, invite your seeking friend to a local church on Sunday evening, May 21, to view the telecast of Dr. Erwin Lutzer dissecting the Da Vinci phenomenon. (See for details.)
Remember: you're not alone. God is the Great Evangelist. Invite Him to empower and equip you — and then proceed with confidence and courage.
In a real sense, the end of The Da Vinci Code hasn't been written yet. What has wrought so much ill may very well be used by God to create great good. And the best news: He's going to use you and me to be part of His solution.* * *
1 More than once in the book, the protagonist, Teabing, makes the claim that the canonical gospels are not the earliest gospels. Instead, he claims, the suppressed Gnostic gospels are the earliest written gospels and the canonical gospels were selected from among 80 other gospels.
No the bible has four gospels and they have your entire going to need. The Lord inspired the cannon and the 4 gospels in the cannon are all written before the end of the 1st century. On error in that the Peter gospel said a man must become a woman to get saved. All the gospels fit into the rest of the bible and they are alone what the Lord wants you to know about Jesus. If you go into the others books then you find all of them written a long time after the Lord and they are given respectful names so they might be read.
2 The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in the 1950�s.
No in 1947 the scrolls were found.
3 The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gnostic texts found at Nag Hammadi are the earliest Christian Records.
No the scrolls were Jewish documents and the context had nothing about Jesus in them. They are dated about ad 68 to ad 70. They were there put there due to the romans coming after them. Friends not one gospel is in the scrolls. None of the truth gospel were in the scrolls because they were hid by the Jews and the Jews did not think Jesus died and rose from the dead. He did rise and that is a truth that if you do not trust your toast.
4 Jesus Christ never claimed to be divine and was never worshipped as a deity until the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.
Jesus said he was the way to God and nothing else but him lead to God and heaven. Jesus is God and I am going to do the book of John in time here so we are going to get into this deal big time in the summer or later. Jesus is to be prayed to and is the reason people can come to God.
5 Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene
Nothing in the bible ever claims this and if they did I missed it. Jesus was God and did not need marriage. Marriage is to meet ones need and to allow for the procreation of the human race. This why Gays are not to get married. They do not procreate and the needs are not meant to be filled by one of the same sex. God made the woman to fill the mans needs and the man to fill the woman needs. Jesus never gave you gays the right to marry and the land we live in needs to stop giving you rights you really are not meant to have.
6 Christianity honored the Jewish Sabbath of Saturday, but Constantine changed the day to coincide with the pagan veneration day of the sun.
We worship on the first day of the week because that is the day Jesus rose from the dead. We worship the Lord because he is worthy and is praised for his work of salvation.
7 Constantine personally selected the books of the New Testament.
No the spirit put the bible together. I think I hit that in a earlier post.
Here is a good thing on how to respond
Outreach in the Wake of 'Da Vinci'
by Lee Strobel
I'll be honest: my first reaction to Dan Brown's red-hot page-turner, The Da Vinci Code, was unmitigated anger. At its core, the novel's message is that Jesus is not the Son of God and that Christianity is a fraud.
While the book is appropriately labeled fiction, its clever blending of fact and fantasy has managed to convince many people that its underlying premise is true. For example, one out of every three Canadian readers of the book now believes Jesus has descendants walking around today.
The book's claims about Christianity are so outrageous, so convoluted, so contradictory and so demonstrably false that the novel has spawned a mini-industry of books debunking it. Yet that doesn't seem to have settled the matter.
The solution, I came to realize, is to stop getting angry and start using the book as a positive impetus for spiritual discussions. Now that the movie version is close to hitting the silver screen, these opportunities are going to proliferate in the coming months.
Wouldn't it be ironic if the book that sought so fervently to discredit Christianity ended up spurring countless seekers on a spiritual journey that ultimately took them to the real Jesus? We can help accomplish that spiritual jujitsu, but only if we're thoughtful about how we interact with friends and neighbors. Here are some thoughts:
Dive into the adventure. Getting into spiritual conversations about this movie is going to be one of the easiest evangelistic endeavors in memory. People love to talk about this story.
Read the book, see the movie. Okay, I don't like putting money into Brown's pocket any more than you do. So instead of buying the book, borrow it from the library and watch the movie at a lower-priced matinee. You'll find yourself simultaneously fascinated by the story line and frustrated by its mangling of history. Still, you've got zero credibility if you try to interact with someone without knowing firsthand what the controversy is about.
Prepare yourself. Pick from one of the slew of Christian books that sets the historical record straight and get educated about the flaws — both obvious and subtle — in the Da Vinci story.
Speak with gentleness and respect. After all, that's what we're told to do in 1 Peter 3:15. If we caustically criticize our friends for naively buying into the book's phony history, we're insulting them and putting them on the defensive.
Don't assume anything. Just because your friend has read the book or seen the flick, don't presume he has bought into the story's claims. Maybe he realizes it's bunk. Ask diagnostic questions to determine the influence the book or movie had on him, such as: "What did you learn about history that surprised you?" Or, "How did the story affect your personal beliefs?" This way you can pinpoint problem areas.
Don't major on the minors. The big issue is the way the book undercuts trust in the gospels and Jesus' deity. When time is limited, focus on these topics rather than try resolve every peripheral point.
Partner with your church. Take advantage of outreach events, sermons, discussion groups and other initiatives your church might be undertaking. For example, invite your seeking friend to a local church on Sunday evening, May 21, to view the telecast of Dr. Erwin Lutzer dissecting the Da Vinci phenomenon. (See for details.)
Remember: you're not alone. God is the Great Evangelist. Invite Him to empower and equip you — and then proceed with confidence and courage.
In a real sense, the end of The Da Vinci Code hasn't been written yet. What has wrought so much ill may very well be used by God to create great good. And the best news: He's going to use you and me to be part of His solution.* * *
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The book was written as fiction.. its just a story, don't get so worked up over it. Perhaps you should try reading the book before you spend so much time bashing it.
I am not bashing his book, I am useing it to share the truth and that is it. I am asking christians to stand up and be counted and tell the truth and confronting the trash this land is making Jesus to be
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