Tuesday, May 16, 2006


code and more

I am having food today with my pastor and I am going to have to go to the bank and pay off some bills. It is going to be a good day It was a ok day. I am not able to save cash like I want to but it is going to take time to build up a account. I added some more channels into the cable box so woe is I. Its not that I do not have the cash it is what I choose to do with it and the truth I am not content with what I have. I am not going to put all the cash from dbs in the bank; in my mind I already spend it! Life goes on like that huh. It comes and goes and I just need to be thankful for the money I have. Its not like I am not getting things for the cash I earn its that I go and spend out of portion the cash that I have.

It is going to be 2 more nights of bible school for me and then it is summer time in the bible but I am going to be taking it off because we got to get out Hebrews and start John. I also want to work a little this week on the movie coming out the Davinci Code. Onne thing I want to talk about today is the so called lost gospels in the movie. Friends we have the entire bible in 66 books that was given to us by God and then he closed the thing and no more is going to be added. All the other claims like Judas wrote a book or Phillip wrote a book are plain wrong. No they did not. God put the bible in the form together and only inspired that book. No other books are written be God and for that matter the bible and the God who wrote it are the only true faith. Muslims and Buddha and all the isms and schisms and a bunch of lies and I am not I am ready to die on that. Jesus is the only way or path to heaven and if your not on it your going to die and go to hell. It is a matter of life and death friend. In the movie they are doing a work of fiction and there is not one bloody ounce of truth in it. I expect lots of you to email me this and that and I am only going to say the movie is a fiction tale and the truth is not in it. I am going to see this movie and I am not going to trust it for 1 second giving me anytype of truth. I know I am going to a fictional movie that is for entertainment alone.

Here are four things the movie is going to tell you:
Did Jesus have a secret marriage with Mary Magdalene?
No he did not and that is not in the bible. Jesus remamed a virgin and God and perfect as he was on the earth. This is not anywhere in the bible and it is not fact. Mary was a deep lover of Jesus and knew him and was saved but no not marryied
Was Jesus' divinity invented by Constantine and the church?Nope that is in the bible and nobody invented Jesus and no one invented God. I am thinking that is a thing Jesus was and is forever both ways. Jesus was God on earth and was God before earth and will be God after earth. People want to make Jesus to be a good teacher are not right because he would of lied to them by claiming to be God and if you make Jesus to be a crazy man then your going to be expaining the good thing Jesus did and all the good he did on earth. So to make Jesus out not to be the God on High is to make Jesus something he is not and that makes you a sinner and without hope of ever seeing heaven. Your not going to be in Heaven if your not in Jesus and saved.

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