Wednesday, April 12, 2006


New evangecal and life forever

I am going to define a movement tonight called New Evangelical movement. I am not out to cut it down I just want to define it. The first thing this movement left out is repenting for sin. They claim that new evangelicals do not repent. In the teaching of salvation we are to repent for our sins and that means we need to turn from sin and to Jesus. It means to change your mind and your action. Is it nessary to be Saved? We are to belive in Jesus and call on him and your saved.

Rom 10 9 9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. [1]

I do think you need to repent and serve the Lord Jesus for salvation. I am not sure that saves you

If you are a new Evangelical you are not holding up true doctrine. Like they say that Billy Graham is wrong for letting the Catholics go to the crusade and go forward and then get sent back to the church. I do not seem to think that this is good either but if you read the things Graham sends home you are going to be asked to join a Bible believing Church. Also they claim the NE follow things that are worldly like Music.

If you are a new Evangelical you think evolution is right and can be traced in the bible. I do not think that is true I defend a 6-day creation and God did it and he is the king of the thing. I agree with that so I am not guilty of false doctrine.

If you are a new Evangelical you can have any doctunine you want. I do not think that is right either. I think the bible said what it said and means it. I defend things like Salvation is forever; God inspires the bible in all ways. I defend Jesus as the Son of God and also human. I defend the Spirit as the giver of life and the one that lives inside of you to make you right. I also defend that heaven is gain in Jesus alone, by faith in pure grace. I think sin is a bad thing and needs to be dealt with in a private way between God and you.

If you are a new Evangelical they say that your lifestyle is not right. Like gals wear jeans and not dresses. The man hair is long, the music is not perfect, you go to events like movies or watch tv, and other things or outward things in your life. I am not for this part of this movement. If you love Jesus your going to be looked at as your inside changes. All the rest does not make you a a Christian it makes you moral and moral man is not saved

Here is another thing
Here is a list of a man that thinks you can lose salvation and my reacting
Abandoning the faith to follow anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels
Jesus said he forgives all your sins when your saved Col2
It is a sin to worship a angel that was forgiven.
Believing but later failing to believe when tested
Your belief does not save the object of your faith is.
Again false think is a forgiven sin by the blood
Following deceiving spirits and things taught by demons
Holy Spirit seals you so a seal of God would be broken to lose your salvaition Eph 1 13
Being lured back into the sins of the world
It is carnal and not a lose of salvation but reward 1 cor 3
Neglecting or ignoring the gift of salvation
The GIFT is gave. Jesus is the one that can take it back.
Are we powerful enough to keep a gift. No we are kept Gal 3
Becoming entangled in the corruption of the world after knowing Christ
Mis guided info. That passage is not for Christians it is for those who came close to the truth and rejected it.
Not standing firm in the faith to the end
Jesus keeps you do not keep him Rom 8 John 5,10
Not watching for and/or being unprepared for Jesus' return
That is a work not saved by works EPH 2 8-10
Allowing one's heart to harden by sin's deceitfulness
Not living a life faithful to Christ
[1]The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.

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