Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Jesus survey

Twins are having a good start. I like to have them on when I am working on the things I do like emailing and writing this little page on the net, I have it at a few places so I get more people to read it and find the hope of Jesus on it. My goal is to lead one to hope in Jesus and keep my friends and whoever updated on my life.

Survey time

God/Bible/Christian survey

Do you consider yourself a Christian (if you are another faith, list it.)?:
I do I became a Christian in 1987
Do you believe that Jesus Christ is your savior?:
Do you believe the Bible?:
Do you know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life?:
Do you ever disagree with God or the Bible?:
What do you believe will happen after you die?:
I will go to Heaven because I am saved.
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?:
Do you believe in any other gods?:
Can one sin be worse than another?:
I think the sins of some are worst than others. Killing is a sin that is worse than gossip and whatever. I do think one is forgiven of all sins and the worst possible sin is to fail to love Jesus with all you have
Do you read the Bible? or at least try to?:
I read tons less than I need to
Do you believe in the power of prayer?:
Do YOU pray?:
Do you ask forgiveness of your sins?:
Is Christ number one in your life, even above your family/bf/gf?:
How do you feel on the subject of evolution?:
It is a fairy tale and if you think it is right you’re a fool
Do you believe God created the earth? or the Big Bang theory?:
God created the Earth in six days and reasted on the seventh
Were you always a Christian (or other faith)?:
No I was a want to be and I was lost on my way to hell until Jesus saved me
If not, when did you come to Christ?:
I got saved the week of april in 1886
Did you get baptized?:
If so, do you remember when?:
I got dunked at camp in 93
Do you tell people your testimony?:
Yes. I tell them I came to the lord in 2001 at a ball game and made a confession Jesus is all I need
Do you think God decides your future?:
What do you think about:
We need to stop it and honor all mankind. It is a horrid sin it needs to end in the church
Killing (abortion, death penalty, murder)?:
Murder is wrong and so is abortion. Death pen is right if used right. Killers ought to die.
He is the maker of man and the king. He is holy and Just and if you you sin you are not good to know him. He is a God that loves and desires a relationship
Jesus dying on the cross?:
Jesus died for man and the people that some to him in faith. He did not die for sins that are not confessed and made to send folks to hell. Jesus death is the way you can come to God and if you do not you go to hell because you rejected the Son

They are not important, you can't rely on them, only on God!
secular music against Christian music?:
Music is about the word and not the beat. Baptist make it about what it is bonot.
This or that:
God or Satan?:
Bible or Opinions?:
Heaven or Hell?:
Speak out or Be quiet?:
Speak Out
Leader or Follower?:
Love or Hate?:
Forgiveness or Revenge?:
Family/friends or Christ?:
A painful death dying for your God or denying him to save your life?:
A painful death dying for God
Man-made rules or the Bible?:
The Bible
Money or eternal life?:
Eternal Life
Back to more questions...
What is the most important thing in your life?:
To love the Lord God and to love my fellow man by sharing Jesus and making him faous and making me less
If someone brought you to Christ, who was it in relation to you?:
Many people formed my walk in Jesus They range from teachers to friends to wnba players to people who are faithful to Jesus and share him with others.
Are you thankful for what you have?:
If you could change the world with one thing, what would it be?:
Everyone would get along and the Vikings win a super bowl
Do you believe in war?:
When a land attacks another it is never good. But in times we need to fight for just causes and war is needed. I think we are in a time war is needed to defend billions of people in the lands of Eurpe and the middle east.
Do you love your enemies?:
I got to be better at that
Are you afraid of what people think of you?:
Sometimes, but i shouldn’t
Do you try to set an example of Christ?:
Do you help others in need?:
Not like I want to but I do
Do you only help people if you can benefit from it?:
Do you think the human race is somewhat selfish?:
If you have any Christian friends, do you look up to them?:
Yes Ben for his humbleness, Mrs Huls and erin for their boldness, Donavan for his faithfulness and many for their taking Jesus to lands I can never go
Have you ever went to a Christian concert/festival?:
Many of them and they are fun
Did you ever save anyone and bring them to Christ?:
Well, I cant save anyone only God can, but I try to present the Gospel to them and they can come to Christ.
If so, who in relation to you?:

How do you feel about luke-warm Christians? (people inbetween christianity):
They lose because they are not close to Jesus and that hurts all the people around them.
Do you believe God has a purpose for you?:
Yes to love him and tell the folks they need him
Do you believe in miracles?:
If so, do you know of any that you'd like to share?:

Do you try to help those who are unsaved?:
I try to share the truth and love them into Jesus and I am a bit brash sometimes
Is being a Christian hard work?:
Jesus helps me to be his and he helps me work
Do you try your best to follow Jesus' example?:
What is your best characteristics?:
I know the word and disearn well
What is your worst characteristics?:
Social skills
If you could, would you change something physically or mentally about you?:
If so, what and why?:
I woiuld have better skills with people

Do you find yourself as a unique individual?:
They say no one is like Shadman
If you had to go against the world in order to follow God, would you?:
I do all the time
What is the hardest thing about being a Christian to your opinion?:
To share the Lord with my life,
Have you learned a lot as a Christian?:
Do you love everybody unconditionally and forigve them?:
I have bad times with that
What do you think a Christian is supposed to be?:
One that loves Jesus and does what he asks of them
How do you see most Christians?:
They are not in the bible as much as I think we need to be
Do you think you are saved?:
Lastly, what is your idea of Christianity?:
God reaching to man in love by giving Jesus the son.

The survey is too long for my brain right now. Could you do it again, but shorter?
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