Saturday, April 08, 2006


Clouds funny junk mail

Here are the stuff I am missing in the Cloud mails

LIBERTY UNIVERSITY FEATURES STEVE SAINT (Friday Church News Notes, April 7, 2006,, 866-295-4143) - Steve Saint, son of the martyred missionary Nate Saint, was a featured speaker at Liberty University’s World Impact Missions Emphasis Week in early March (Liberty University web site). Earlier this year Saint supported homosexual activist Chad Allen for the role of his father in the missionary movie End of the Spear. Steve, who was co-producer of the movie, told Christianity Today he had a dream in which God allegedly told him that it was His will for Allen to have the part and that he should not worry about “angry Christians” who disagreed (“Christian Studio Explains Hiring of Gay Actor,”, Jan. 26, 2006). The choice of Chad Allen to play the role of missionary Nate Saint is unconscionable. Allen has called for the legalization of homosexual marriages and has even starred in the blasphemous play Corpus Christi, in which the Christ-figure is homosexual and has a sexual relationship with the disciples. Though Steve Saint said God told him it was His will for Allen to the play the role, we do not hesitate to say that he was deceived. The Word of God says, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Eph. 5:11-12), and, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14). Evangelicals are drawing ever closer in thinking to the world, and the shadow of end-times apostasy is lengthening. Other special speakers at Liberty University’s mission’s week included Michael Loftis, president of Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE), and Brad Buser of New Tribes Mission.

So because a gay man took the role in a play does it all of a sudden become bad? No it does not. He is acting the part that he is told and then he is done. It is not drawing toward the world it is people like cloud that are making this bad because they allow cloud to tell them what is what. Cloud is not above anyone in this not even the gays. You need to reach the people pal.

And Frank Garlock is correct when he observes, “If a church starts using CCM it will eventually lose all other standards” (Garlock, Bob Jones University Chapel, March 12, 2001).

Frank Garlock is not a good thing. What a joker. He is doing a class I am taking and the truth is his cut and paste bible skills are not good. Garlock is not creitable.

Here is a site one did on the reason ccm is bad. I do not like it but I am putting it here and might tear it up

Lots of junk on this site

If he is so poor at what he does, why do you study under him?
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