Sunday, March 05, 2006


Therhy of why the law

I want to get into the bible and the book of James.

James 4 12 There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?[1]

Lets look to tonight at the Law of God and some things about it. God made mankind and when he did he gave one rule. Do not eat of the tree of good and evil. Adam and eve did so God had to make them leave the garden and God saw the race had rebelled and no one would be able to live right. God gave the law to be a guide for life here on earth. He gave the Law to love us and to guide us. It was not given to us to be mean to us he gave it to love us. It begins with God wanting us to follow him and see that he is the one that made life. Adam knew who made him but at the time of the ten commands the world needed to know God. God wanted to be the king and have a relationship so he gave a law that he knew we could not keep. But He needed a reason to convict us and make it known that we were sinners and then he himself could send Jesus and show his love to us. If we kept the law then Jesus is not needed. Jesus said that the greatest love was to die for another thus Jesus dies and Gods love is shown and the law becomes a symbol that points us top Jesus.

So when the law was given God knew it was a tool that would be a thing to drive us to him. I am thinking here and this is not really in the bible but I am going to think out loud. SO when the nation of Israel went and broke the laws of God if God had known that why did he make the laws? It might be that God did not have known. But I know good bible thinkers would blow me out of the water. I do not think to know this. But I do know that the text said the lawgiver knows the law. Also the Lord is the one that knows the reason and he is the giver of the law so he is going to judge the people. When he said not to judge the person he said that because we are not the lawgiver and we do not know Gods mind.
But before you start nailing me one concept we need to nail is sin. Breaking the law of God is pure evil and God is one that must deal with sin. God is holy and one sin makes you a man that cannot ever go to heaven. Sin is so horrid that God cannot ever deal with you if your sins are not perfect. God does not see a sinner and is angry at sinners at all times. If your not perfect before God your in a place that you need to be. Jesus did live a life for you that were perfect. His love was so great that Jesus died for your sins and rose to make his ife yours. All you need to do is ask him to forgive you and turn from your sins.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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