Wednesday, March 15, 2006


marks of a church? And james for you thumpers

James 5 Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. 8 You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
The issue here is the coming of the Lord Jesus and Heaven for the saved. On that topic Jesus can and will come and some say it can happen in our lifetime. Oh how good that would be if it were. I think that the return of Jesus is going to happen at any time and it is going to be at a time folks do not expect. It is going to fast meaning the saved are going be gone in a matter of seconds and many are not going to realize it. I also think that many who know the truth and did not get saved are going to come to Jesus. In Macs book he talks about how this is found 500 times in the bible. It is a wonderful thing for the saved yet it is a terror for the ones not ready.
So we need to wait for the hard things out knowing that heaven is going to lack the hard things. Heaven is going to be perfect and Jesus is going to love on us. Also the last 1000 years here are going to be good because the Lover of my soul is going to rule. Yet we still live in a sad world filled with sin and not perfect. Heaven is going to be far greater. I am going to be able to fly around and I am going to be so rich that I could not give it away forever. I happen to think we are going to go all over space and see all the wonders of all Gods creation.
Heave ought to inspire us to make the most of the things we can do on earth. We need to share Jesus in anyway possible. Pass tracts is you can or bring Gods word up in talks. Share this website where I am trying to share Jesus or any sites that share Jesus. Give a person a meal and then share heaven. Place a chunk of cash into missions so anything to get the news out knowing nothing you do in this sharing is going to come back without results. One asked me about predestination and that means you do not have to share. It means we go out and share the gospel having the results promised to you and I.

I am going to close with a Baptist version of what to look for and a few ways I might answer it

QUESTIONNAIREHave you read the article "Things We Look For in Churches"? ( your church independent Baptist?Nope we are part of the body of Jesus and we depend on the whole church
If it does not have the name Baptist, is it doctrinally like an independent Baptist church?yes we are not part of a domination and we rule our self. Do you believe that repentance is necessary for salvation and do you preach repentance?
Yes you need to turn from your sins and to Jesus. Do you believe that salvation can be lost?Yes one thing adding to the bible. It is a warning in the end of the bible and if you do it no heavenDo you reject New Evangelicalism?Nope we embrace it proudlyDo you reject the Charismatic movement?Yes Do you use contemporary praise/rock music in any aspect of your church (youth meetings, worship services, etc.)?Yep and it draws a crowd. We dance before the Lord Jesus. Wmake drums in our hymnsAre you committed to traditional sacred music?No but love good sopranos and I am a fan of classical musicDo you reject Contemporary Southern Gospel?Yuck Have it Do you defend the King James Bible as the best English translation?No because the New King James is acyully closer to the greek.If you are in a non-English speaking country, what translation do you use?Do you reject the critical Greek text produced by modern textual criticism?Um I read the greek and Hebrew with the strong numbersDo you reject Peter Ruckman's peculiar doctrines such as the KJV is advanced revelation and salvation is different in different dispensations?Peter is wrong because the kjv needs a overhaul with greek people Do you reject Calvinism?Some if it. Its in the bible to I cannot reject this. I mix it Are you affiliated with any denomination such as the Southern Baptist Convention or the Bible Baptist Fellowship International?Are you Do you reject Baptist briderism?Huh Do you believe a born again believer who is not a member of a "proper Baptist church" is a part of or will be a part of the Bride of Christ?Yes out of 5 people that the Lord used in my life none have been Baptist Do you accept the Biblical qualifications for church leadership as spelled out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Do allow exceptions to this?noIs the pastor of the church a godly man who fits the qualifications of 1Timothy 3 and Titus 1?yes Is the pastor a divorced man?depends Is the pastor a gracious man who rules the church in Christian love rather than dictatorially like Diotrephes?huh

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