Monday, March 13, 2006


join the pickem board

You have been invited to join biblereader2k's Private Group in Yahoo! Sports
Yahoo! Sports Tournament Pick'em.
In order to join the group, just go to the game front page and click on the
"Sign Up" button to create a team. After completing registration, or if you
already have a team, click the "Create or Join Group" button and follow the
path to join an existing private group. Then, when prompted, enter the
following information...
Group ID#: 95138
Password: shadman
The commissioner of this group has sent the following note:
here is the pool I am setting up. create a yahoo name and join it will be
We will send you a confirmation with further details once you have completed
the registration process.
-- Yahoo! Sports Tournament Pick'em Commissioner


I haven't told you not to read the NKJV, and I never told you that you would go to hell for reading it. I also don't want to debate about it. If you want to read it, then that is between you and God. It's none of my business.

I didn't deleate your comments because of anything more than the fact that we believe different and this is MY page. I didn't leave my beliefs on your page, and I'd appreciate it if you'd do the same.

I have read what you believe about this, and I just choose not to argue about it. As Chirstians, our goal should be to encourage eachother, not argue with eachother.

I pray that God will bless you.

Thanks, Jessica
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