Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Hebrews Jesus is the best God

Went to the cities for a few days. I am back and I am the one you need to tell you the truth and to have you look to Jesus and nothing else for life. Even not the King James Bible will lead you to life. Jesus is the key to anything good. If you do not love Jesus you’re not going to live a life worth anything. We are going to start a new book tonight and it is Hebrews. It is going to verse-by-verse study till we are done. I am hoping not to go into another study till we are done. But I am going to keep you in on my personal news and thinking.

Hebrews is a book that we do not know who wrote it. I think it is ok to say that Brad B wrote it. Until I hear I am wrong I am going to stick with my thinking. Paul is said to have wrote the book and Brad might need to get help. Others that might of penned this are Barabbas, Noah H, Luke, Silos and Chris P but I am not sure. Paul had some reasons behind his authorship. Compare his other letters and he sounds like it was he. He was Jewish and Hebrews is a good book for Jews, He spoke of the New covenants as it was the complete work of the Lord Jesus that takes our sins away. Also he points to the old covenant as a foreshadow to the new. Paul always showed Jesus as the go between man and the God of them and Paul use of Jesus death to pay our sins completely. I have gone though the book before but do not have it on the blog so I am redoing it for a class and myself.

Lets look at the first few verses and see how I am lead

Hebrew 1 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; 3 who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, 4 having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.[1]

Wow might take a week just to unpack this loaded passage. 1 and 2 are the ways the Lord has spoke to men all in time. For the 5000 years we have been here God had a way to foreshadow the Lord Jesus and his grace. You had to use a system that pointed to Jesus and the laws. God used many forms to write the first half of the bible but in every one Jesus was shown. In the here and now Jesus is the one that came and died and rose for mans sins. He came to show us a perfect life than he gave his perfect life for your sins. If your saved Jesus has your life and you have his. God has given Jesus everything because he did the great salvation. Jesus has you soul and has graciously saved you if you trust him. He will be bowed to you one day and if your not saved your in hell forever.

Jesus is the one that made the world. It did not come by any other way like evolution. I know evolution is not right Jesus made the whole thing alone and he is going to end it not global warming. Jesus is also the likeness of God. If you know Jesus you know God. When Jesus walked on earth God did it. Jesus is in the fame of God. Jesus is not like God or kind like god. Jesus is God. He has all the power of God and is the only God there is. Jesus can do whatever God does. He is God and Holy so we need to fear him alone. Jesus is the maker of you and all things around you. He has the right to take your life at anytime or bless you as he wants to. Jesus is the one that saves you and to declare you ok. You really do not have it within you to save you Jesus gives you the faith for you to get saved. Jesus controls every aspect of your life. He put you where you are to serve him and not for you. If you move it is with his sovwern hand. Jesus is your master and loves the ones he saves with love that cannot be grasped.

Jesus is far greater than the heavenly workers called angels, He rules them and they obey him. I will hit that next time

[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

Ok, you figured me out... I wrote Hebrews. I was going to name it "Brad" but figured that would be a dead give-away. Paul disagreed with the name anyway, and he's got a little more clout in this situation than me, thus "Hebrews".
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