Sunday, March 26, 2006


Get saved or pay later

Hebrews 2 Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. 2 For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, 4 God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?[1]

Here is the next thing on the book I am working on. The Holy Spirit starts out with a warning to people that we must give heed to the things that we have heard. Why? Because it is possible for them to drift away from something. Here Macarthur said that there are 5 warnings in the book and this is the first one. I must say that many try to use this as a cover to make the argument one can lose the Salvation Jesus gave to them. I am sure you are held forever and ever and Jesus is the keeper and if you’re saved you’re saved forever. So this cannot be written to the Christian. Many come to the edge and know they need to make a call on Jesus to save and just do not do that. I was in the hot tub and I got talking to a lady that knew all the things she needed to make Jesus her own and so I asked her why not know and she prayed to make Jesus hers. People know what has to be done and die not doing it is a sad thing but no Jesus no Heaven applies to them.

Every thing we do is going to get the just action to it. If we are given the truth and reject it we should know we go to hell and not heaven. But if we accept the truth we go to heaven because of grace. Ours is a great salvation because it is a finished work of Jesus alone that gets us to the kingdom. If we find the truth there is a rest from all works. We do works but none of them ever get us favor with the Lord. Heaven begins on earth in your life. In salvation your heaven is given to you when your saved and never ends and the fullness of God is granted to you.

Here are a couple things I am taking from this passage.

I have the great salvation and I am able to rest in the hope of heaven and not worry what others think of me. I am saved and nothing is able to make me not saved. People never make this call only Jesus does and he did the night he placed my faith in me to make me trust himself for salvation. I do not come on my own but even the faith I had was a gift

If you know how to get Jesus into you and do not do it you live on time that is not yours. You do not get the chance sometimes to make salvation yours. If you know do it today because God gives you the gift of faith and he can take it away from you so you never get it back. Meaning people have only certain times and if they reject Jesus it hardens the heart and salvation might become a wish. God grants you a chance right now to get saved take it.

God gives signs to people and expects the gift to be taken. If God allows signs then take them and use them.

4 God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will?

I must use a bit on the sign gifts here. I need to say this group of gifts is no lingering needed and used by God to confirm the Gospel today. In the time of writing the bible the gifts were used to confirm this is the gospel and the bible. It is the view of myself the gifts are no longer and anything that might come from them is false. For more on this e mail me or comment and I will have Brad B come to your home and stay with you until you see it my way. He and his family will move in to your home and teach you the truth. If Brad does not get to you my personal pal Ron will call your home each hour till you agree and if that does not work our cop pal Nic will arrest you and place you in the Masters College until your convinced.

[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

I'm here to serve... whatever God or Shad needs me to do... well maybe not Shad.
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