Saturday, February 18, 2006


shadmans defines wordlyness

On this site many thing are out to take over the usa. A movement is out there to allow A Arnold to take our highest office and he is going to take us down a road that will be like Germany. His pa was a nazi and thins ought to scare you. If Bush gets the patriot act we are going to spied on and this is going to mean talking to folks will mean that big brother is going to listen in so your not naughty. All I say is this site is a bunch of good funny things that will never happen.

I got a comment on dress I want to address. It is a key to the bible and it is this. What you wear is important TO A DEGREE. But wearing a dress to a church does not make you close to the Lord because that is not the Lords goal. He wants your love and adoring him before your tie. I found a quote from a pastor that goes to Grace and here is what he thinks.

“What kinds of issues do legalists adopt to gauge spirituality? There are many-more than you may think. In fact, we deal with these issues on a daily basis. We call them the "gray areas." By that we mean that the Bible doesn't explicitly say that various opinions in these categories are either right or wrong.Here's a brief list of some of the categories involved:· ENTERTAINMENT-movies, TV, cards, pool, paintball, computer games, places togo No r rated movies, No shows with junk in them, computer games are not to have shooting in them or fighting. Go places where Jesus can go.· EXTERNAL PERSONAL APPEARANCE-clothes, makeup, jewelry, hair
clean clothes and smell good, no earrings for male and no face per sings. · MUSIC-style, etc. (What is appropriate in church?)
Church music ought to be doctrinally ok. Style is not a issue with me. · PARENTING
Love your kids and make them obey the people. Teachers and refs are always right. Spanking is a good thing.· DATING
Adter 18 and courting is better. No Games in dating only date a marrige partner. · EDUCATION OF CHILDREN-home, private, public
Christian bible non legelist is the best· PATRONIZATION OF BUSINESSES-shopping, Disneyland, long distanceproviders, restaurants
Be wise. Wal-Mart is not good to people. Go where labor is fair. Prefers USA goods. Bopycotting is not always the thing to do.· BIRTH CONTROL
In marrige sex is always ok.· LANGUAGE· BIBLE TRANSLATIONS
Compare them all. No KJV only trash you need them all· GIVING
Personal thing. No titheing because it is a method not in the new testament. Give more than you think is enough. Sacrifice all you can.. · POLITICS-parties, activism
Go with your convistion. No party is better · MEDICAL ISSUES-life support, transfusions, medicationsTake all prescribed meds if you are given them. Consult a MD on all the issues. Make common sense calls on the rest
· HALLOWEEN Trick or treat with friends. Have fun with it.· SANTA CLAUS Make it a fun thing and make Jesus the king of Christmas. · OWNING MATERIAL GOODS If they are needed and not above Jesus. Jesus first. · FOOD No restriction on this. No mention in the bible. I eat whatever. · SEPARATION Hard thing to know. I left church over it. Not key to me at this time.· SUNDAY ACTIVITIES Be with family if possible. Go to church. Make more time for the Lord and if possible rest. Watch football is fine. · "MIXED" SWIMMING No problems in my mind· ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES pick up trash and recycle cans. · DEBT/CREDIT · DRINKING WINE, Do not get drunk. Ok with a meal. Never ok for you if you had problems. I prefer no booze but if you do that is ok if you drink a beer.
DANCING, All you can. No problems with it. Good to shake your hips to a tune if you are into it. Even in church dancing is a good thing to praise Jesus in some church.

SMOKING is not going to determine your faith. Best not to start.

All of the above list does not judge anything. All the above might have things that might have readers convictions and that is ok. I listed mine after each one. I want to hear your and perhaps I am wring on something and I might change my mind if you make a good case for it, We are to make time to talk any of the list here over. Comment and write you PERSONAL thoughts. If you comment you put your age so we find out if it is a bible thing or is it old fashion or is it necessary. I however might make a comment on yours and or ask you to think over your comment. I am asking you for a clean debate and I will place all comments that are sent.
I want to make a new thing. If 2 of you disagree on anything on my board both of you have one page to make your point and half of page to discuss the others. If comments are here I have the right to question a comment on the form.

Woohoo! Let the fun begin.
ENTERTAINMENT-(ahem) we are not here to have fun. God is a tyrant... Wait, wrong answer. God loves us. Hmm... I wonder if entertainment might be okay? I like movies, music that allows the gifts God has given to be used, games, watching people make fools of themselves on peoples blogs while pretending to be anonymous, reading, surfing the web, fellowshipping with God's people, etc, etc
EXTERNAL PERSONAL APPEARANCE-God made my face this way, other people will have to deal with it :)
MUSIC-Does it glorify God? All good. If it uses drums and cymbals then they better say, "Don't you holier than thou types read the PSALMS?!"
PARENTING-I personally have to do it, as I have children. Circumstances dictate the course of action.
DATING-My wife doesn't allow me to. :)
PATRONIZATION OF BUSINESSES-I don't like it when people patronize me, so why should they have to deal with it?
LANGUAGE-It's good for communicating. I like English. The wife likes Spanish. I even hear of some who speak in 'uncivilized' dialects. Okay by me.
BIBLE TRANSLATIONS-This is good. I do not understand Greek or Hebrew well at all. :)
GIVING-You're going to give to me? Very well, I accept. As long as you are giving to the Lord's work (church or no), it is good.
MEDICAL ISSUES-I have a game called "Infection" and I have learned that I don't want medical issues, thank you very much!
HALLOWEEN-Great way to reach the community for Christ Good site about what I mean
OWNING MATERIAL GOODS-I prefer to call it long term borrowing.
FOODS-For some odd reason, most taste like chicken. And if I don't eat, my health suffers (see MEDICAL ISSUES)
SEPARATION-I love my wife and don't want to separate.
SUNDAY ACTIVITIES-Just like every other day. Worship God wherever you may be. "there's a big, big yard, where we can play football..."
DANCING-I like to move it, move it!
SMOKING-Only when I am on fire! Very Bad!
Dress, personal hygene, eating habits, entertainment, parenting, politics, education, medical choices and hosts of other personal daily choices are all fruit of a freedom loving, (however flawed) Country such as ours. There are choices that are wiser than others based on the dynamics of each particular situation. There are, however, some non-negotiable, broad strokes that clearly define the "narrow way that leads to life" and they are as follws: 1) Personal relationship with the Creator by "faith alone in CHRIST, alone." 2)Growing in this new Life by maturing in HIS Word and protocol as set down in HIS Word. 3)Speaking and listenig to HIM and HIS personal direction given to each of HIS own, in each situation, by living in The SPIRIT. 3)Be consistant in #2 so that the "Fruits of HIS Spirit" as listed in Galatians 5 are becoming more evident. (remembering that this endeavor is and will always be a "progress-not perfection" discipline.) The key is "me." My focus is self-inventorying and confessing in a "1John 1:9-style", not "other-person-inventorying." Having an accurate and objective understanding of my own flaws, confession, (1 Jhn 1:9) and immediately moving on to the many, many promises in the WORD and resting in them. Hebrews describes a "Sabbath-Rest for the "New Testament believer. 4)Finally, all the above is to be in the light of 1Cor 13 and the Words of The "RISEN-ONE" who said the summary of the 66 Books of the Bible are to "love GOD w/all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself." 5)The right Pastor, not a pseudo, Bible-coach who mis-uses the Bible to give superficial and pithy-half-time-speeches of Christian encouragement, but a profoundly serious Pastor/Shephard who has effectively studied the original languages and majors in teaching The WORD. He is not a social director, a lonely-hearts-club director, activity director, administrator, outreach director, marriage consellor or anything else but a godly Shephard teaching his people how to mature, in truth, in GOD's protocol. Unfortunately, the pseudo-pastor comprises roughly about 85% of all "church-pastors" that claim to be Christian....Billy Grahm's statistics! (A good way to measure #5 is to see if he, (the Pastor), treats the teaching of the WORD the way a captain leading a dangerous mission in a hostile enviornment demands focus, understanding, retention and execution of "the mission" as if the "listeners'" lives depended on it.) The truth is that the answer to all of the original questions will be self evident as the seeker makes progress (not prefection) in maturing in GOD's Protocol!
Dress, personal hygene, eating habits, entertainment, parenting, politics, education, medical choices and hosts of other personal daily choices are all fruit of a freedom loving, (however flawed) Country such as ours. There are choices that are wiser than others based on the dynamics of each particular situation. There are, however, some non-negotiable, broad strokes that clearly define the "narrow way that leads to life" and they are as follws: 1) Personal relationship with the Creator by "faith alone in CHRIST, alone." 2)Growing in this new Life by maturing in HIS Word and protocol as set down in HIS Word. 3)Speaking and listenig to HIM and HIS personal direction given to each of HIS own, in each situation, by living in The SPIRIT. 3)Be consistant in #2 so that the "Fruits of HIS Spirit" as listed in Galatians 5 are becoming more evident. (remembering that this endeavor is and will always be a "progress-not perfection" discipline.) The key is "me." My focus is self-inventorying and confessing in a "1John 1:9-style", not "other-person-inventorying." Having an accurate and objective understanding of my own flaws, confession, (1 Jhn 1:9) and immediately moving on to the many, many promises in the WORD and resting in them. Hebrews describes a "Sabbath-Rest for the "New Testament believer. 4)Finally, all the above is to be in the light of 1Cor 13 and the Words of The "RISEN-ONE" who said the summary of the 66 Books of the Bible are to "love GOD w/all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself." 5)The right Pastor, not a pseudo, Bible-coach who mis-uses the Bible to give superficial and pithy-half-time-speeches of Christian encouragement, but a profoundly serious Pastor/Shephard who has effectively studied the original languages and majors in teaching The WORD. He is not a social director, a lonely-hearts-club director, activity director, administrator, outreach director, marriage consellor or anything else but a godly Shephard teaching his people how to mature, in truth, in GOD's protocol. Unfortunately, the pseudo-pastor comprises roughly about 85% of all "church-pastors" that claim to be Christian....Billy Grahm's statistics! (A good way to measure #5 is to see if he, (the Pastor), treats the teaching of the WORD the way a captain leading a dangerous mission in a hostile enviornment demands focus, understanding, retention and execution of "the mission" as if the "listeners'" lives depended on it.) The truth is that the answer to all of the original questions will be self evident as the seeker makes progress (not prefection) in maturing in GOD's Protocol!
God demands perfection. So everyone be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect. Hmmm there is no way I can do that, so I think that I will come up with a standard I can achieve.
Do the right things, wear the right stuff, good things in good things out. That sounds easy enough. Well much easier than perfection, I think I will do that instead. Then I can feel good about myself. Though we dont say this outloud to ourselves, this is what we are saying when we add these things to scripture and pronounce them as if they are gospel.
God already told us what he wants in this book he wrote. Why do we insist on putting words into his mouth?

I realize there is a temptation to judge everything that we come into contact with and measure it up to Phil 4:8, but don't you thing that all of this stuff is really streaching that verse a little thin?
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King James bible is not honored on my site.It was a good thing for its time. I am not into the kjv. It belongs in a history place. So no kjv.
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Jim, I appreciate your insight, especially about our focus being "self-inventorying."

Chaplain Luken, I've been there and don't ever want to go back. It is easy to get "sucked" into that mentality without realizing it. BTW, I haven't figured out how to leave comments on your blog yet, but I love your posts and stop by often.

Anonymous, yea, verily, if thou understandeth the language of the King James, it shouldest not be prevented thee ;)
Here are some fun lin ks of the king james in museums. I think if the King James bible is the one Jesus u
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darkness dweller wrote:
Tamara, you seem to have wrongly interpreted that I promoted the King James as the only legitimate translation.

Tamara wrote:
Anonymous, yea, verily, if thou understandeth the language of the King James, it shouldest not be prevented thee ;)

Nothing there saying you are KJV only. Just a comment that you are allowed to read it if you wish.

Talk about a strong desire to misinterpret and misunderstand.

I feel sorry for you. More with each passing day. Let go of your hate. Hate separates. Love unites.

John 9:41 "If you were blind, you wouldn't be guilty," Jesus replied. "But you remain guilty because you claim you can see."
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"contending for the faith" as in Jude 3-4?

That is exactly what I am doing. Contending for the faith in the Lord Jesus.
You are attacking those who you see as a threat to your way of life. Notice I said "your" not "His." Jesus, and He alone, is the life. You need it now more than ever.

If you see this comment, pray along this line, "Lord, help this poor sinner who is lost in darkness be able to come to you and be free of the bondage that has been so tightly wrapped around them. Cast Satan from their presence. Set them free from the powers of darkness. Shine your holy, everlasting light of love upon them. And forgive them. Just as you have forgiven us. Thank you Lord Jesus! Amen."

May God forgive you. I forgive you, too. Come into the light.
Yes, biblically, there should be harmony within the body, but not at the sacrifice of doctrine or other biblical principles and policies.

There ain't a law against love, darkness dweller. Or have you understood what all the policies and principles are for?
Or are you saying that Shad is a "weaker" brother and therefore his comments are beyond criticism?

Oh darkness dweller! can you not see that the 'weaker' is in quotes. It's sarcastic. He is far stronger in Christ than you could know. You ASSUME he is weaker. If you didn't, you wouldn't be trying to correct him now, would you?

Whom do you serve, darkness dweller?

I serve the same one Joshua does. Read his book. Especially 24:15, if you dare...
My apologies, anonymous.

Though your motives seem ingenuine, it does not excuse my name calling nor my wish to see things made better.

I can forgive you. Will you do the same?
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And I hope you are not saying that those in positions of leadership within a church or another public arena are "weaker" brothers and are therefore above questioning or criticizing.

Anonymous, I'm somewhat confused by this comment. "Weaker brother" aside, are those in positions of leadership within a church, ever to be questioned or criticized?
Would Jesus call it loving to "name call" others with derrogatory terms like "darkness dweller as you have been repeatedly doing?

I already apologized. Let it go.
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