Friday, February 10, 2006


My thoughts on the church

New law here on my networks, you do not cut down anyone and if your caught you are off my blog, email and out of my life for 100 days. If you do it you’re a lifetime ban. I run this blog and if one needs to be cut down I will do it and do it with style. This applies to all emails and comments and to anything. I am making this ban because I can. If your caught in putting comments on my blog and no name I decide whjo goes. Ronald your totally ok to put anything you want. It is MY page and I make the rules. I am not fair because I run this page. It applies to friend that I think it needs to. I can say and do what I want and I am going to. My job is to run this not yours. I know your not going to like it and I can override any comment I want and I will. I make the hard calls. I am going to break my own rules because I am able to. I want to adderss a thing in my box I got today from Daivd Cloud who is a Baptist that writes things so terrible I need to make comment on them.

My comments are in ()

February 10, 2006 (David Cloud,,
866-295-4143) - In his appearance before the Pew Forum last May, Rick
Warren predicted a "New Reformation" or a "Third Great Awakening" for
America. He said: "You know, 500 years ago, the first Reformation
with Luther and then Calvin, was about beliefs.

It was a great thing Cloud that your kind does not like. Matters of fact go into a church that is Baptist and they like to think Warred is a cult. But friends the 500 got us the bible and it for the man on the street. I honor the folks that made the bible and the people the ones that are able to read and preach the bible. I was told my blog is a act of rebellion. It is and I am never going to stop preaching because the bible is given to every man
I think a new reformation is going to be about behavior. The first Reformation was
about creeds; I think this one will be about deeds. ... The first
Reformation actually split Christianity into dozens and then hundreds
of different segments. I think this one is actually going to bring
them together. Now, you're never going to get Christians, of all
their stripes and varieties, to agree on all of the different
doctrinal disputes and things like that, but what I am seeing them
agree on are the purposes of the church.
We need a thing that is going to unite the body of Jesus and we need to drop many doctrines that divide. So this is a good thing. You won’t get you Mr Cloud to unite because your teaching is bad and really takes shots at people you ought not. It makes me not want to be Baptist. Hat makes me run far from people that divide the body.

Last week I spoke to
4,000 pastors at my church who came from over 100 denominations in
over 50 countries. Now, that's wide spread. We had Catholic priests,
we had Pentecostal ministers, we had Lutheran bishops, we had
Anglican bishops, we had Baptist preachers.

And I am proud that Rick got the body together and said we need to get along. I know Lutherans that led me to Jesus. I had a Pentecostal that also made my life turn to Jesus. I know of many Catholics that are born of Jesus and Love his grace. I also know many good Baptists that honor the Lord and love people. I am not going to say it is bad for the people of Jesus to get together and honor Jesus. How dare some of you rip other churches and mock Gods home. I KNOW PEOPLE that sit at potlucks and point out others and mocks God. I have ate with folks that go after Billy Graham and say he is bad because he sends folks to the church they came from and I say He helped me get saved. Back off of Campus Crusade who made a movie that 2 billon have seen and people I know came to Jesus and are working in CCC that are reaching in Lands that you never have thought of. We need churches to support friends in all things like Youth for Christ and things that reach people. You’re not doing the job so God rose up YFC and lets them reach the druggist and CCC that is on the front lines for the college drinkers. Stop making dumb things like versions of the bible and get the bible out to the homeless. Stop making a thing of music and get your singer out to the nursing homes and sing for the lonely and not just on Christmas do it one time a week and get your hands dirty. Stop making a issue of clothes and get a bunch of your Sunday best to Goodwill. Stop pointing your finger at long hair and start telling them the way to Jesus. Stop your potlucks and open a food shelf.

They're all there
together and you know what? I'd never get them to agree on communion
or baptism or a bunch of stuff like that, but I could get them to
agree on what the church should be doing in the world" ("Myths of the
Modern Mega-Church," May 23, 2005, transcript of the Pew Forum's
biannual Faith Angle conference on religion, politics and public
life). Warren's New Reformation is not about beliefs or creeds or
doctrinal purity; it is rather about "the purpose of the church."

Something David you lost when your after churches that use half time to reach out to the lost and present the Gospel. The truth is your not proclaiming is king james only church’s.

me see if I understand this. It is not essential that a church hold
biblical doctrine and practice (e.g., Episcopalian, Lutheran) or even
that it preach a biblical gospel (e.g., Catholic priests). It is only
important that "churches" agree on their purpose? How can a "church"
have a biblical purpose when it does not have biblical doctrine? How
can it have a biblical purpose when it preaches a false sacramental
gospel? If sound doctrine is not a foundational issue, I wonder why
Paul instructed Timothy to "charge some that they teach NO OTHER
DOCTRINE" (1 Tim. 1:3)? I wonder why he didn't rather instruct
Timothy to go easy on the doctrine issue? Could it be that the
apostle Paul's teaching is contrary to Rick Warren's? I, for one, am
certain of it!

I am certain of this. Rick warren has given millions to the aids people and you sit there and say how aids is a gay thing. DOCTIUNE IS KEY but if you lack love and in your write you lack love for anything that is not out of your mouth and is not a Baptist view then Dave and for that matter all the Baptists reading this your king james and anti rock is going to lack people in this movement from finding your controlling pastors out and flocking to Rick Warren and John Macarthur. I pray that happens sooner that later because the body is lacking good workers stuck in churches that Pastors tell that his people are not to study the bible without the blessing of the pastor. Guess what might happen they might see the errors in the Baptist church and read books that share truth and leave in DROVES. I for one will welcome them and feed them the truth and shed your garbage.

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