Monday, February 20, 2006


Music and the world

If you are in the saint cloud area please read this link before you read my stuff.
This is a water warning

I go on this blog where I take it. No one can take this away and if your going to try your going to fail. Jesus is giving me more friends that like this and agree with me. Look at this email
Hi Shad - just wanted to let you know I just finished reading some of your
web page info. It is very evident to me that you must have worked hours and
hours on it. And your knowledge of scripture is very admirable. There were
so many sites, I picked a few and ready about so many various topics you had
Researched. This is a great tool for witnesses about you faith, Shad. It
also became very clear to me that you and Jesus have a very special love
relationship. He is your buddy - and there is absolutely nothing you would
not do for Him. Keep up the good work, my friend - and thank you for
inviting me into your 'web page world'. God bless you very mightily - and
- one more thing - remember, Jesus understands about rejection - if anyone
does, He does, for He had the ultimate rejection, when they crucified Him -
so always know - when you feel alone, Jesus really and truly does literally
know just exactly how you feel - with love, Dee

I highly think my friends many tell me this is something they know they get truth. I am getting more readers and that makes me want to get on here and spend more on it. I am as of now a place of open comments. I do screen them and allow all comments on here and hope to keep it up. I want you to make comments and know your going to get on. I got comments on here in which I do not agree with and I read them all and do not think I do not ponder them all tons. I want to think this out and mind you I even take the ones that I do not agree on them but I am going to read them and pray hard for them all. Please comment all you want and as I have thoughts I want to take time to research them. I may not agree tonight but God can change me and does all the time.

Topics tonight
EXTERNAL PERSONAL APPEARANCE-clothes, makeup, jewelry, hair
Much talk on my blog comments on this topic. I have the following thoughts. Clothes do not make one a Christian and you do not have to wear a certain thing to be one. Lets start with church attire. I want to wear clean clothes. I do not think I need a suit to go to church but clean clothes are well. Rick Warren does not wear ties so if I do not fine. I like warren and his Laid back. Hair for me does not matter. Some get into long hair and take verses out of context in the bible. I wear my hair short and I love long hair on gals but I do not think it is a shame for a man to wear long hair or a gal to have her hair short. I know the verse but it is not a verse to take in context. Hair is what ever you want. Makeup for gals is ok I do not use it. I do not care about rings or jewelry. I think the bible is silent on that so iam going to be to

ยท MUSIC-style, etc. (What is appropriate in church?)
I still am sad over it. Amy Grants trash when she left Gary for Vince. I WAS SAD THAT Sandi Patti left her husband. I read the ccm things for 10 years and I have been to well over 50 Christian concerts. I have seen folks go forward at Carmen shows and walk out changed. I talked to the leader of Petra and at least 10 ccmers. I know the folks that try to make a style evil. It is not. I have debated on this topic many times and I have won them all. I think the bible is not going to condemn any form of music. I know Miles that does a band that most call heavy metal. I say that mildly. I heard the Gospel at a white cross show and I had pastors who listened to Motley Crue. I know the topic and I am not going to fight anyone on it. I listen to all kinds of music and I endorse Christian rock music. In high school a teacher told me she listened to ccm and because of that I became the Christian I am tonight. I do not understaND the anti rock and roll Christians. I know that in parts of this world they sing Amy Grant songs and I have been at a worship service that allowed worship dance. Shaking hips was mildly right. I think God is not concerned with style and he is about content. On this one issue I have left many friends and churches behind. At one church they said DC Talk was being used by Billy graham for a crusade. I have not been to the church for years because they offended me. I met DC Talk and they are very Godly men and have hearts to reach this world. I know the vice Pres of Billy Grahams movie production and known him for 25 years. I have toured the offices and spoke to the people that worked there. I ate lunch there many times. I got movies to prove this. I know about the Billy Graham stuff and I know the people that worked for him and their heart. SO having a rock concert for the kids is one aspect of a ministries that reach billions is a start of their work. BGEA is a high class place that wins so many to Jesus including Paul one of my best friends and Brain. Do not come to this man and tell me they are bad. I read everything I can and I tell you Graham is good and so is music.
I like high sopranos opera singers. I think they are awesome. I think country music is fun to most of which had gospel roots.

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