Saturday, December 10, 2005


The issues and Jesus is wisdom

It is good I got to work today. I work on Sunday and Monday I got a couple of hours It is not a whole week but it will make me a little bit. I am a bit ticked off about the people spreading info on my personal life. It is not right unless I say you can spread my personal business. I place it on here I guess it is public. I never use names of real people but I going to if things are not kept private. It is the entire group that is Baptist. Speaking of that I am mad at David Cloud AND IF HE FALSLY says anything about piper I am going to sue his behind for 10 million. He is a bad name for Jesus and his sham is not ok with me. I think we need to shut down sites that are trashing the bible and good teaching. I am going to sue any place that lies on their site. I want then off the internet and I want them to stop harassing the Lord Jesus They want to trash Jesus I will not put up with it, sue them till they get off the web. I got some trash from people on Cloud and I am going to dink him with it.

I goit my first Christmas gift today. It is a thing for my cousin shelly. I am not going to let that out till she gets it. I am going to go to media play because they are getting rid of everything in the store. It was busy today after work. Wow I am going to have to find some extra cash to spend there and stock up on my music collection. I got to get my collection of ROCK music going so I am able to shake my hips and dance slowly with gals. Come On I am hitting the bad news Baptist hardcore tonight. I am toasting all the KJV’ers and I like it.

Jesus is my current series and I am not going to toast him because he is the truth and is as I am learning the only way to Father God. Without Jesus your not going to make heaven and you are going to spread your eternal life in hell. I am not laughing. Many of the worlds are on the broad road to hell and your not going to see the Love of Jesus or even try Jesus. Either you are not willing to or you do not think Jesus is real. Jesus is real and if you choose to reject him he is going to make no plan for heaven with you. I am tempted and I am going to do a series on Hell because it is not being done on the net and I want to paint it so you won’t think of it being a place you want to go. I know people might not read this but I am going to do it and I need to learn if anything to see what I am saved from and to value Jesus more and draw close to him.

I want to work on this passage tonight

Col 2 , 2 that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.[1]
I want to hit a truth about who is Jesus and the truth I am going to hit is only Jesus has wisdom and treasure. Wisdom is smarts. It is said that you can know everything and still be sad and lonely. Many kids go to college and study and get a degree in a high paying field and still do not get any wisdom. They might get the best job and make that good salary. They work for 40 years and have a big retirement and then have much to their name. Kids and grandkids are theirs and yet what they got is a empty feeling inside. It is said in the bible that only a fool said there is no God. Jesus is the thing you might be missing if your not happy. It is wise to make friends with Jesus early in life and spend as much of life serving him because your going to live-forever and what is done in Jesus is your entire cash flow in heaven. It is not 65 and your done it is heaven and your done. I need to build my accost on Jesus and not with money because he is alone the thing that matters in life. Winning souls, giving cash and learning the truth is all that matters. I would rather die knowing I was faithful to Jesus then die with a million dollars. Money and education does not mean happiness.

Wisdom is good but if it is from the world really you are not going to be happy in the long run. Knowing where Jesus is in your life and where your going to live forever is going to bring you tons of hope and happiness. I dare say that Jesus is the exclusive place to find wisdom. To review in this series so far I see Jesus is the only way to God. Gods only son, the only sinless man ever and the only way to God.

Col 2 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;[2]

If you see Jesus you see God. God is in Jesus and Jesus is God. When Jesus walked on earth God walked on Earth. When Jesus did anything in the bible God did it. You will never see God but you wi8ll see Jesus and that is God. In Jesus the trinity is totally in him and all Jesus is reflects the Father and the Holy Spirit. You want to know God Jesus is it and there is only one God.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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