Thursday, November 17, 2005


sin is why Jesus died

Buescher package is in and you can have a free movie if you get a hold of me and want to know Jesus. They sent me a bunch of Macarthur tapes on the book of Phil. So guess where we are going to study next. Erin I guess took the tapes all over the world when she went and she got done and now I have them plus some dvds and some other tapes. They mean tons for me that the Buescher care about me and want me to grow deep in Jesus. I am going to listen to them a few times I am sure and the teacher Mac is going to just be so good to hear and to learn much from the Lord. I tell you what would happen if the Huls ever had some old Christian stuff and sent it. I would be just floored and honored because Mrs. H gave me the first taste of Jesus and I never left him. I did get a e mail from them forgiving them and I have sent them my blog. It would make my sob to know the Lord used my motes to touch them in any way. Email me Mr. of Mrs. Huls if you have ever read my stuff and if you all got some solid tapes or want some. Glad to set you up. But to have this messages from the Buescher’s makes me just honored and it is going to be fun to hear mac preach all the more. Thank you all and I promise to go over this stuff and share it on my page here and on the email network and where ever I am able. I am blessed to bless others and if you need some tapes just e-mail me and we will work on it.

I am as always blessed that people read what I got to say here and I am happy if I get read. I got a eamil list of folks that get my blog that way and also I get read by friends all over the land. I am on 2 sites on the net hoping to get people reading. Also I get hits from folks just passing though and I never know who is from where or how the Lord is going to use this blog. I am a year old doing this thing and I am not started yet. I want to see one new reader a month and I pray the Lord brings one unsaved person and they read this and they make Jesus a part of their life. He is what this page will always be about in the end. I use anything I can think of to get folks here and read. I use current news and sports things I hope people like and then tell the good news and hope folk response. I am not after numbers I frankly am after you and I type this for one person that reads me. Your reading it so it meant for you. If you like my site or see this vision I want you to tell all your friends. I want to get non saved folks and Christians reading this blog. I want you to be blessed and your friends to be to. I hope also if this is in your email you see this as a fun thing to read because I want others to see it and many to know Jesus and go deeper in him.
Matt 45 Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
47 Some of those who stood there, when they heard that, said, “This Man is calling for Elijah!” 48 Immediately one of them ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, and offered it to Him to drink.
49 The rest said, “Let Him alone; let us see if Elijah will come to save Him.”
50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.[1]
I was at Wrigley field in Chicago a few years ago to see a cubs game. It was noon and it had got bark at noon. Looked like it was going to just pour and I think of that day when I reflect on this part of the death of Jesus. God was dumping the awful payment Jesus has to pay for our sins. Jesus is separated from God and it is so bad he yells out and asked why. Sin is so deadly serious that Jesus is apart from God. Our sins are so bad God can never talk to us when we are in them. It takes one sin to make you and I die and spend forever in hell one sin. Jesus is dieing and this death is not because he is bad it is for sins that he is paying for. Sin is breaking the law of God. It could be a wrong thought or action. The biggest sin is to not have Jesus in your life. If you break any command in the bible you’re a sinner and you need to make it right with the Maker. If you fail to Love anyone for any reason you are a sinner. Here is a verse you ought to learn

Rom 6 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.[2]

Because you sinned you are doing to die. Sin is a death penalty and you pay it. In all death there is one and only one reason you die sin. Jesus died for you because you’re a sinner and nothing else could ever save you. Jesus is forsaken because he is a sinner with your sin on his back. No other reason friend it was our sins and Jesus paid them there forever and makes life forever possible.

Jesus is offered a drink of wine to get his thirst ok. Jesus then gives up and his soul if gone. Jesus dies. He is dead. He is gone and the life is over. Things happen in the area like a curtain is ripped, dead people are walking around and the 11 are just hurting. It does not end there because God has one major thing to show and we are going to nail it soon. Friend Jesus is not in a grave he lives and I am going to get there but I need to work at least one or two more nights on the cross.


[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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