Friday, November 25, 2005


Shadman needs to share Gods Love

am not nice when it comes to people not putting their trust in Jesus. I tend to not accept peoples excuses anymore. I do not see the rights people thing they have to mock a Holy God. I was told I am not to tell people of other faiths to convert to Jesus. I am not to tell them they are wrong. But if I listen to the people that tell me that I am not going to be faithful to Jesus and that is the only one I am ever going to serve. I do not listen to friends that tell me not to share. Also I know I am to share in the spirit and not when I am out of fellowship. I am sick of Ben and that so I told him we better be in the spirit at all times and get right because if your not your wasting time God gave you. I repeat that to not share Jesus is pure hate. To not warn the sinner he is going to hell is just not love. If I love you I am going to share the news and if you’re gay I am going to warn you the horror of hell. Love is giving you the truth and not lying to you and telling you your ok when you are apart from Jesus and sinning. Jesus is not going to make it to be gay and he is not going to make it ok to teach lies or sin and just let you into his kingdom. Also you that are fighting for creationism your doing great work. It is impossible for us to claim this world was made in a way that is not total God. God made the world and he did it 6000 to 10000 years ago. He spoke it into be. God set the rules and man broke them and it cost man his life. Jesus came as a perfect man and died so you can know God and if your not going to come in Jesus your not going to make it.

I am in Rochester and I did have a thankful day of turkey and nfl football. I lost my bets with the uncles and I am poor. I got to see Jason and Shelly and we talked about things. Pray for them that Jesus would save them. I am never going to be able to but He is. I listened to some of the Buescher tapes on the book of Phil. I am going to have to do a series on the book, as there is a ton of meat in the book. It is about a healthy church and how Paul just needs them to encourage him and be the church they need to be. We need to be the children of God that we are called to be and share the truth as we are at places this weekend that might need to hear it. The last thing Jesus said is this

Matt 28 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen
We are not to stay but go make followers of Jesus. We are to do something and that is to baptize. We share the news and when others are ready we are to give the truth and baptize them and add them to the local church. It is not enough to get saved (the saved do go to heaven but that is the start of the biblical Christians life) We need to teach them the faith and we need to get them into a place where they to are sharing the Gospel and making others realize. That is why I cannot stop telling people of other faiths they need Jesus. I am commanded and I have to go and share. We need to tell all people even if they do not take the message because that is Gods command. If you fail to share your offending the Lord and your relationship is going to be damaged. We need to not have sin in life but we need to get out and confess and be right. If we fail to be filled in the Holy Spirit we fail to live the life we are called to. Jesus bless as you go out and share in this season.

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