Friday, November 11, 2005


Happy day

I went to see a movie called Jarheads today and it was not a good movie because it was all swearing. I did not think it was a bad story but I wanted to see it because it was on the gulf war. It is hard to fight war in the gulf and my heart goes out to the vets tonight because they go out and fight. If you are a vet of any war let me know and I am proud of you and what you did to keep me free to be able to write this page and say what I want. I hate news polls like they are going to make me look at one view over another. I think they are not the facts over things and they like to make up my mind. I can think and make up my mind. I know what I stand for so let me think things out for me. How bout the elections where one leads on this night. Who is going to make up his mind and not tell anyone who is going to win and lose? Let the people figure out for one time on their own.

Here are some links
WHATEVER THIS SITE IS CAZLLED BAD THEOLGY BY MACARTTHUR If you want to read bad things read Cloud who is a jerk. I have emailed him and he does not like it when you dis his preaching. But the biggest thing is John thinks he is off so he is off. If John liked him I might but John is my teacher of the bible so I trust him. But Cloud is a humorous man that preaches lots of works. Hi might be one of the worst sites to go to on the entire net so be careful if you play on the site. I would not let any new Christians on this site. It is sicko stuff.

Hey Shadman,

That 'way of life' webpage had this comment:
Michal, one of David’s wives, despised David in her heart because of his dancing. It is not to be assumed that she despised him because he was displaying wicked wantonness in unrighteous dancing.

I wonder if his complaints about dancing mirror Michal's. I wouldn't steer anyone away from the site either. God helps us to discern. If we can't when we see it, we ask. I would be more concerned with someone whose life experiences are limited, like kids or teens who are being pressured into 'conforming'

Keep up the good work!

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