Sunday, October 23, 2005


rock is ok

Hi there. I am not to teach the bible at one of the churches that I go to. I am not sure it is a good thing to tell a Christian to not teach the bible to folks but the reason is because I am not in agreement with the teaching. I am not going to just say ok to things that the bible does not clearly teach. I do not intend to think the music of the church has to be non-rock and I am not going to say that election and Gods choice is not in the bible when it is taught in the bible. I think a lot like Macarthur but I am not going to get credit where I want to go to church for that. I have said things on both topic on the blog so find them. Maybe I have not talked much about music and why I am not for a ban on types of Christian music. I do not reject music because it makes you swing my hips because I am not going to ban dancing and make a case that it promotes sex. I do not think the beat of music is a deal that we need to ban the style. Style today is a debate in the church that is not a thing but what the words say might be. I think we need to keep good doctrine in the music and not teach fake things and things that do not happen in the bible. The people that trash rock dlo not trash other things that are sung and life styles that are in the gospel music thing. Just because it sounds like the worlds music is not to me a reason to ban it.

Rock on brother Shad!
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