Thursday, October 13, 2005


passover info

Hi there I want to start with the Vikings. It is said that some of the team went on a cruice where there was some nasty behavior. They had some gals on the boat and were doing bad things to them. I have made many talks on the Vikings and how they play football and how they are fun to watch. But I am not sure that the players are right and should not get off the team for this. It is appalling and sad to see them do this type of thing. I cannot be a fan of a team that does this kind of thing and yet I am. I am sad and want to ask the Christian fans to boycott but I am not going to so I am not sure what to ask of you my fans.

I wish to do a different thing for my time in the bible and I think it is going to help set the stage for the place we are in. We are in Matthew 26 and we are at the Passover. I think knowing a bit about the feast is going to help me know the background of the Lord Jesus. Passover started when God took the nation out of slavery. I talked about it last time a bit. Moses was told that the first-born would be saved if the blood were on the door. Here are some types the Lord used to see Jesus in the Passover. 1 Passover is a type of delivering from sin. Jesus death is the delivering of sin on the cross. 2 Passover is passing over the doom we deserve from our sins or the mercy of God. We are delivered from sin because Jesus took the punishment on his cross. 3 The sprinkling of blood on the doorpost was to show we needed to make an open confession of Jesus for our salvation. 4 Passover was useless unless we eat it and the Blood is useless unless we apply it and get the forgiveness of sin in our life. I have said before on this we give Jesus our sin life and he gives a perfect life and we are saved. We need to take the gift Jesus offers to us and apply it to our hearts and life. They ate the bitter herbs to show we need to repent and confess Jesus. As the Passover was eaten the Nation was preparing for a trip just us we are preparing for the trip home to heaven.

Are we to make this our day as Christians? I think it would be a good thing to see the things that they pointed to as Jews in the life of Jesus. In the old times they did make both feasts a part of their life. (Easter and Passover) Here is a site on the topic of passover where I got my information.

I want to hit a thing on the sins and how forgiven we are. I was told at bible school that in heaven we might have to face our sins. I think of the passage where God removed all our sins to the east. Also if Jesus paid the cost why are we going to have to face them again? Here are some sites to look over this [Shad] good site

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