Tuesday, October 11, 2005


matt 26 and my thoughts

Here is some things I am thinking about. First people say that the social security system is going to be gone in so many years. It is not good that we made it ok to kill babies that could of paid in and helped it not go broke. We killed 50 million workers in this land and now we are in big trouble. So now we are trying to fix this and to me we need to end abortion now and then get jobs for them. I also have been thinking about people in the land of the free and how every one wants a free handout. Here is the problem. We are getting money from china to get to the folks that do not want to get to get a free handout. Like the folks that have a kid out of the bounds of marriage and that is a sin to have sex outside of marriage. We then give you more cash just for sinning and we have to get more cash out of china that ought not be needed because you deicide that you can have a kid. It is not your right to have sex and they need to make it a crime because the result has money that people have to pay out that they could give to the kids or like me buy a new tape. I do not want to make your sin ok by paying for it. You want to end the poor peoples problems you make a law that sex is for marriage and make it next to impossible to end your marriage. I talk to people that say this is personal and I do not think it because it makes me pay for the sin you do. We are not paying the right people and so we go into the red. We ought to make one work for all cash and we ought to teach values to kids and make it a crime to have sex outside of marriage because if you do not you have the family of a single mom that needs to stay home and raise the kids and the dad is to go out and get the bread. Also I was asked why drinking is not good. I will put some sites on this topic at the end tonight.

I want to get the bible thoughts because they are not going to be all that fun to do tonight but what I have to type I got to type. I do not like talking about Hell and it is not fun but it is in the bible and to be true to the bible I am going to hit it tonight with Judas. Here is the text and my thoughts

Matt 26 14 Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests 15 and said, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty pieces of silver. 16 So from that time he sought opportunity to betray Him.[1]

I did a series on the 12 a long time ago and I might have to find it. I want to think about Judas tonight and the act that he is about to do and some of the things that make Judas a evil man. He is the one that keeps the cash and never made a commitment to the Lord Jesus. He had been a man that has walked close to the Lord for all the wrong reasons and in the passage before us he was going to make the start of a mistake that in days made him face eternall hell. It is not the suicide that made him go to hell it is the truth that he never got saved and sold Jesus to die. He was giving the chief priest the time that he would hand over Jesus to be killed. It is said of Judas it would have been better that he was never been born. I want to think about that. Jesus knew when Judas followed him Judas was going to kill him and end in hell. It would not be fun to know the mans you love is on the road to hell. Hell is not going to be any good. Judas by not making Jesus chooses a place. Friend you can be good and go to church for 100 years, you can give all your cash and open a place for the poor and still your soul is not with Jesus and the phase could be true that it would have been better if you were not born. Because you lived in a place that God cannot forgive you because you choose not to accept him. Hell is that place and without Jesus Judas is there and your going to go there.

Judas was so close to Jesus yet he was eternally far from him. It is dangerous to not trust Jesus when your so close.

Judas made a stupid buy and that is the Son of God killed for 30 pieces of silver. Not a good bargin

Judas followed Jesus for selfish reasons and it was not good in the end. He wanted the cash and the cash is here but he is in hell. What a waste to live in a fake way and then throw it all away and end in hell. Get your life right and if your faking the lord stop it and get right. Masters College kid you heard the gospel and you never made the choice and you know whom you are. Make the Lord king of you life and get saved. Kid it is better you read this and get convicted. Like me I went for a gal but I know Jesus got me and I am his because I am changing. Do not be a faker anymore but find Jesus and live for him.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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