Wednesday, October 26, 2005


end times

I did not talk last night so I will tonight. I have to say this that one has told me that I ought not broadcast bible thoughts and I am going to because it helps me to think and allows you to see what the Lord is teaching me in my life. I want to start out tonight with this. It seems that the fundamental bible churches are not what they say they are. Here is the thing they say they go by the bible. But in class Pastor when speaking about the topic of divorce said no divorce no matter what but Jesus even said it is ok for unfaithfulness. It goes to show in some topics the church is not perfect and that is the truth. I do not want to attack anyone living for the Lord so I am not. I am a good blogger and a easy one to.

Here is a passage I worked on in the bible class I am taking and I want to share it.

2 cor 5 9 Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 11 Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.[1]

I need to make it a goal to live my life in a honoring way to the Lord. I am not there as I need to be. I need to learn in life nothing else matters if Jesus is not my first and only love and all other loves are out of the Love he has for me. Jesus gave me all he had and filled the law for me. I got a email that I told my friend that we live under grace and the law of the old does not apply. I dared not saying and thing to here but if I could of I would of asked her if we are to keep the laws in the old why are we not following the circumcise and the pork laws. I did not want to become a jerk there so I am not going to but the fact is some laws it seems we need to keep and others we need not. I think if you read Galatians you see that clearly. We are not under the demands of the law but we are under the Spirit and that is what is in us and he uses the word to train us. I did not say we are not under any of the things on the old so do not take it wrong and hit me. We need to follow the bible as closely as we are able and we need to follow the rules in the old out of love for Jesus and live like he did. We are going to give a account for all we do whether good or bad. We are going to not have to deal with any confessed and forsaken sins. But if they were not confessed I am not sure but we may need to deal there with them. WE need to tell others this so they can get right because we know the truth about Jesus and the terror that is going to happen to them that do not get right in faith.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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