Wednesday, September 14, 2005


this is the truth

If I say the pledge in the public school does that make me a law breaker. I am never going to allow the people to tell me I am not able to practice my faith because the laws never said that in this land. The state is to make no law regarding the practice of the faith I have and that means I am able to tell the gospel to anyone I am able and I am able to convert people. We are having records in disasters and we want to take the lord out of our land. It is not good to thumb our noses at the Lord Jesus and deny him and make it ok to have a gay marriage. If you kick Jesus out of the nation I know your going to have to take the punishment is going to give to us. No nation is going to reject the moral laws and make it.

On the separation of Church and state there is not such thing. It is in no documents of the founding. In the bill of rights here is how it reads

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

We are not to make a law respecting any religion. I do not think any law is to be made to make a preferred religion in this land. We do not allow the government to make a state religion. It means they are to be out of religion in all ways and all sides. It does not have any say in the matter of faith in any shape. SO to ban prayer is making a religion preference and ought be stopped. I am free to pray any time. I am allowed to practice faith and that means telling other people to convert to Jesus. Government has no say in the practice thus I am allowed to do as the faith demands. The right thereof. I am not allowed to make a law for faith or to ban it. It is hands of for the government and no law whatsoever is made in this regard. I have the freedom to say whatever no matter what. Also the peaceful gathering is so anyone can meet about any matter. Government has no right to take a tax from any faith group no matter if it is Muslim or Christian.

Sec. 16. The enumeration of rights in this Constitution shall not Deny or impair others retained by and inherent in the peo- ple. The right of every man to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience shall never be infringed; nor shall any man be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any religious or ecclesias- tical ministry, against his consent; nor shall any control of or interference with the rights of conscience be permit- ted, or any preference be given by law to any religious es- tablishment or mode of worship; but the liberty of consci- ence hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness or justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the state, nor shall any money be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious societies or religious or theological seminaries.

I live in MN thus I am bound to this made by our government. I have the right to worship God if I want to. I cannot hurt others or safety. Muslims blowing up building is not protected freedom because of the threat to safety. No one is commanded in this state to worship anything it is the free choice of man to worship. No money from the government is going to any school or college for a school of religion of any kind.
In the faith I hold I am told to tell all the world Jesus is Lord and he is the way to God. We are not going to stop telling people to repent and get saved no matter what a government tells us. We are everywhere and we will spread the truth to this land and the world and we do not care how anyone trys to stop us. Jail us and we tell the jailers, kill us we go home and tell us to stop it we get more into it because that is the way we work. We do not care if you want us to stop we keep going.

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