Monday, September 26, 2005


let my kids read the bible when they want ]

What it the best thing to do to honor EB? I need to think of this when I make calls and things. I am not going to be on her friend list so maybe I might not need to call and bug her family. It is not hard to know I am a bit into a place where I need to honor Jesus in this and making a little bit more is not good in my walk. I am not going to commit to anything but pray about it more and do what the Lord wants me to do.

I guess the Vikings showed up and played a good game. It is about time. I am not to sure I want to make a thing on the falcons and I am not sure we are going to be able to beat them. Butr maybe we will be ok and do the unthinkable and beat the falcons. I am not sure.

I got this story of the net tonight and I am going to comment on it.

Family Seeks Legal Relief So Son Can Read Bible During Recess
By Jim BrownSeptember 26, 2005
(AgapePress) - A federal court has been asked to order a Knoxville, Tennessee, elementary school to stop prohibiting a ten-year-old student from reading his Bible during recess.
It is on his own time friends. He is not like reading the bible on their time. If one wanted to read a book on Muslims on his time he ought to be able to. If he wanted to read a book on Charlie Brown he is able to but the bible is not right?
Luke Whitson and his parents have filed a motion for preliminary injunction against Knox County School officials, who allegedly threatened to punish the boy for reading his Bible during recess at Karns Elementary School. The district claims the Bible reading jeopardizes student safety and that, because recess is not "free time," they can prohibit Bible reading during that time.
If you read the Bible it is going to make one safer because he is going to know how to live and be ready to die when the Lord calls him. If one is going to punish this kid for reading the bible then punsh the school for teaching others faiths and nail them for telling the kids it is ok to have 2 moms. If you make it a crime then you make a law on religion and that is not in the rights of the people.
But Whitson's attorney, Nate Kellum with the Alliance Defense Fund, says school officials are wrong to claim reading the Bible on a school playground violates the so-called "separation of church and state."
"What Luke wants to do only involves his speech. It does not involve government speech; there are no school officials that are involved. This was student-initiated; Luke and his friends initiated this. This is student-led; only Luke and his friends wanted to do this," the attorney explains. "So there's absolutely no concerns of a violation of the Establishment Clause -- yet this is what the school is operating under."
Right on if the kids want to have a time on their time to have a hockey club or a card club then let them have a bible club. If not then ban all books and all clubs. If Luke wants to read let him read. Like I said harry potter is ok then the bible is ok. If it is a crime to read the bible in thins land in school then it might be a crime in homes. People have told me to keep my fiath to myself but I am not able to because my faith is who I am. It is like telling a black to not share his blackness. Jesus told us to share and I am going to share and so can anybody if they want to.
Kellum contends that school officials have a "fundamental misunderstanding" of the Constitution, which he points out prohibits the wholesale banning of Bible during recess -- not the reading of it. Young Luke, he says, merely wants the school to recognize his free-speech rights.
"We need relief," Kellum states. "Luke is in the fifth grade at the elementary school, which represents the last year that Luke will have at this school, and he yearns to be able to read the Bible during recess. There are other kids that are reading their 'American Girl Doll' magazines, yet others that are reading their 'Harry Potter' books. Luke wants to get in the corner of the playground and read his Bible."
Whitson and his parents filed a federal lawsuit -- Whitson v. Knox County Board of Education -- against the Knox County School District in June. They are seeking a preliminary injunction so the ten-year-old can read the Bible with classmates on the playground as the case progresses.They ought to sue the school and make them learn not to make trash of the bible. Lets make it the law the kids in 10th grade take a class so they know what the bible is and then they got a chance at the truth. We teach them the EVOLUTION all I want is the whole truth on matters of faith and not lies they teach the kids.

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