Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Walk in the Spirit

I got to nail Pat Robertson and his comments. Pat said we ought to kill a man that does not agree with the USA. What a stupid thing to say on a show that is trying to bring Jesus to the world. I thing he ought to stop talking and get off the air. It is never right to kill anyone in cold blood unless they are a killer and or sex offender. It is not our job to kill this man and to stop a war. It is our job to go in and try to get this peacefully solved and not to kill. This man can hit us with a oil block and drive gas to a ton of money. Pat needs to be off the air and his show needs to get out the news business. It is a sad day because I like his show and find the news informative. I at one time paid them and helped them out. I got out of the club after seeing they do not have the same beliefs as I do on the gifts of the Spirit. I do not help a place that thinks one can be healed from a word of knowledge or they thing the gifts of touges are for today. God does not use that method in my own belief and I am not going to help people that do with my little funding I get. I do give to John Macarthur because he is telling the truth about thing as well as having the right doctrine on the bible.

I am going to work on a key thing in this book and the bible tonight. I am going to talk about walking in the Spirit and it might take a few times to get this concept. Lets just work and see where I am going tonight.

16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
Walk in the Spirit
It is known that the Holy Spirit is a person of God. A ton I could go into here. He is the one that indwells us when we are saved and he is the one that gives us our power to walk in the life we are called to. We have a choice each time we get up to live for Jesus or live for ourselves. I have already said you are not going to keep the law and get saved and for that matter I do not think you are able to walk in the Spirit if you’re not full of him. We then need to see that we need to be filled with the Spirit. I think that happens the day your saved because that is the time your indwelled in Jesus. But each day we need to be filled or renewed in the Spirit. It consists of getting the word into our hearts and confessing our sins so that we are free from them and then it consists of submitting to the Spirit and having his power go into us and though us.
Walking in the Spirit is also not giving into the flesh and living in the world. It is a command to be in the world and not of the world. Our thoughts ought to be filtered though the Lords word. It is the animals in us that is the flesh. Like our cravings for food and fun are the flesh and so our sexual cravings. That is what we are not to live for. We are to yield and live for the Spirit. SO we are in all in a war between the Lords way and Our own way. Here is a thing that you unsaved people do not have. If your not a Christian your not going to have this. A Christian is one that has placed their trust in Jesus and not themselves. Read the link on this page called how to be saved. If you do something and you fell bad or naughty and do not know the Lord your guilt is never going away. If your saved you have this feeling hopefully and you need to confess your sins and get right in the Lord. I think if you do you are learning to walk. If you’re a Christian and go to a movie and walk out feeling like you ought of not gone your being convicted and you need to get it right and not go to certain movies. If you’re in a place the Lord makes you fell a bit bad its time to never go there and find new places to go. Or if you feel a tug to go and share Jesus with a friend obey it because the spirit is leading you.
Some think that music is a think in the battle over the flesh. I am not of that side. I know I am not going to join the rock music is bad crowd. But I am going to say that if you listen to a type of music that is not clean and is just on the line your Spirit is going to convict you. If that Christian song does not line up with solid bible your need to get it out of you is a must. If your being led by the Spirit and following the bible and doing what he wants you to do this is not following the law. Our walk in Jesus is not a set of law it is being led by the Spirit and giving more of your life to the Lord as you go. If your walking your going to begin to feel more convicted when you sin because your walking closer to God and he is holy and he wants you to be holy and like him.
I went long tonight but I needed to and might go more later on this topic

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