Monday, August 15, 2005


To the lady that wants to talk to bush

I want to tell the person that wants to meet Bush something. Friend we are all deeply moved and sad because your son had to die. I am sad but we need to be in the war that we are in. Why first a terrorist that killed 3000 people hit us as a nation and alone we do not have to take it. We are a free land and that means we need to defend this nation from any threat to freedom. I for one am not going to let any nation nail our nation for any reason without a fight. We needed to nail the nation of Iraq and we are going to stay there till they are free and not a threat. Friend your son did not die in a vain war he died ad hero and we are thankful and grateful for him. I am thankful the US army is there to fight a land that had Hussein who killed so many of his own people and at will went into another nation and took it over because of greed. Hussein killed many people that were innocent and not free to do as they wanted. Fact is if we did not invade the Iraq funding of terror would have been up and people would of took the USA and made it a sad place. Muslims are a people that want to kill us and Iraq would of funded it.

War is never a good thing but it is a part of history and God used it to punish evil in the world. In the bible God told Joshua to kill all the people in the land that God wants to give his people. Why did the Lord kill them because of sin? All over the bible God declared war on his people to clean up sinners and make them come to him and repent. God does his work in war and people die. It is a sad thing and war is hell but without war our land would not be free and things would not be right. It is a sobering thing to think Jesus is going to use war at the end of time to bring the sinners out.

One more thing this land is not looking at and that is the withdraw of the Jews from the west bank. I am not happy one bit with the Bush plan that has the people of God losing the land that he gave them. God gave that land to the people from the time is Abraham and the people of God are going to keep that land forever and I think heaven is going to be a part of the land. God is the Lord of the land and he has a say on who gets it.


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