Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Be ready to wait

Lets get a few things straight, the thing that happened in our land is no ones fault. It is the forces of a sovern God that made this happen. It is not global warming or a policy of Bush or anything. In the times we are in this is a cause that we really do not know. I blame this kind of on God and that is not a bad thing because God know all that happens and he could of stopped it. It is not that people in this land have died it is that in grace people have lived. We need to be a helping people and so Iam asking you to mail at least 5 bucks to the Red Cross. We do not ask y we ask the Lord to work hard to help the fellow people we need to make people we need to help.

I am speechless… Lets go to the fruit tonight of longsuffering. It is patience and that is what we need as a land this day. It is suffering and having the time to put into suffering. It is enduring life when it is hard. Friends in the south we all feel for you and we all might have to suffer and go without so that we can help you. We might have to eat lightly and give to you our extra cash and help you eat. We need to endure as a land and help you out. Patience is waiting for things. I heard it said get me patience and give it to me now. It is also enduring hard things. It is going in the storm and waiting it out. I want to get better at waiting for things.
The next fruit is kindness. We are never going to bring folks to Jesus if we are mean to them. It is the kindness of Jesus that is going to bring folks to the Lord. It is loving and being kind to others and that is going to win them to Jesus.

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