Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Pauls Greeting to Galasha

I had a good day and found out some co workers are reading this thing I am into called a Blog. I am not going to hold in like I do at work what I am and love in life and that is Jesus alone. By clicking into my site you agree it is ok to love on Jesus and share him with a world that is in need of his truth and Love and needs to find Jesus to have a good life. Or maybe your alone and have drifted into this site on the net. I got news for you Jesus is God and wants to befriend you and Love you and change you but you need to ask him to. Go to the link on the left that said how to be saved and listen to the message there. Please do that if you have not Jesus in your life. Please do not read more here go to the link on the page and learn how to be saved if your not. If you are saved tell a friend how to get saved and spread the truth all over the world. We live in a messed up world with London getting hit and with all the terror in the world. Find out the Lords plan and live for him.

I am starting a series on the book of Galatians, a book in the Bible. I have wanted to do a study in this book for a while and I am going to type on it till I am done. Last night I worked on a piece that talked about why Paul is ok to write this book and what makes him a man that is righteous. I want to start off in the first part of the book. Here is tonights text

Gal 1 Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead), 2 and all the brethren who are with me,
To the churches of Galatia:
I hit some of the first verse last time but there is much truth in the greeting Paul makes to the people. Paul is an apostle. Being this title means you were given a task from Jesus himself. You were appointed to do something in the means of spreading the word to the rest of the world. Paul’s call was on a road where Jesus wanted to make Paul a man that was going to take the news of Jesus too much of the world at that time. The task was never easy and Paul had to go into prison and die there for the crimes of spreading the Lord Jesus news to all. I like how Paul said Jesus and God the father who raise Jesus from the dead called him, not by man but. Is that not the Good news I am here telling you to trust in tonight? Here is the truth that Jesus is God and came to take the sin of the world on to his cross and died a horrid death and this was to make it ok to go to God and have a friendship and never go to hell. It is the greatest thing to know your sins were paid for and your saved. God raised Jesus for many reasons I think it was that Jesus is God in the flesh and he is going to raise the true believers.
All the brethren who are with me, It might have been on a trip Paul wrote this letter and folks were with Paul. I am not to sure who was with Paul but it seems there were folks with him that wanted to greet this church. It can also mean that Paul was a part of the Lord Jesus and he is part of Gods family. We might go back to this later or when I update this paper. Truth is Paul was in the Lord.

3 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.[1]

Paul begins many of his books in this matter offering the Grace and Peace of Jesus. Grace is the favor of the Lord. It means he is going to give you something you do not deserve. You deserve a trip to hell because of sins. God in grace gives you Heaven and that is a big thing. Your peace is a gift that is given to you in knowing you are saved. It means your not in a war with God and your set apart. For God. Jesus gave himself for our sins and he delivered us from this age.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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