Saturday, July 09, 2005


get rid of idols

What a neat day. I went to a picnic at Grandmas Barbs and got to see old folks that went to my Church. I went with Ben. Oh he might move. I am not sure what to think I need him to keep me on the walk but the Lord is going to lead me into the wisdom that I need to walk. I got to see old pals like Bruce and Carol cater and Amy Gall. It was like a church reunion. Praise the lord for old friends and new friends. God is going to allow people to know each other in heaven I think and it is going to be such a neat time of seeing all that went before us there. Nicman once said it is not going to be that way but I tend to think it will be. Jesus was raised and Jesus was like himself and the 12 knew it was him. I think there is going to be real relations with loved ones and that is one thing I am looking forward to. I am struggling what to wr4ite on tonight. I want to go so many ways but I am going to stick to the commands series.

Here is tonight’s command. We are to destroy all the idols that we worship. It is hard things to know what I think in my life are idols. I got idols that I am not sure that I need to make due with and throw out. I think some might think sports is one thing that I need to give up but I do not see that that in my life comes before the Lord. Some think Erin is a person I am to give up on and go before the lord. I think it is wise not to make her a big think in my life. TV is another thing that is not good for me but I watch it too much. So in my life I got a ways to go in this. And yet I do serve the Lord the best I can. An idol is simply never righteous and ends us in the worst thing. God is always the better thing to worship and honor. Many things in life can like I say become idols. Here is a text to think about

Ex 23 24 You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but you shall utterly overthrow them and completely break down their sacred pillars.[1]
We are not to bow to any type of God nor serve anything but God. We are to burn anything that comes before the Lord and destroy our walk with the Lord. We are not to make anything come before Jesus. I am not to love anything more than Jesus. SO what are some things I am going to do to make Jesus my only love. Maybe I need to take time out and focus on my walk. I need to go to church and anything the church offers. I need to be there when the door is open and make my life go into church. I sometime have to work but If I do not then I am going to make the cash I need to make it in the life. I need to give my money and make sure that Jesus has my cash and me.

Psalms 24 3 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord?
Or who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.[2]It is clear that if I have a idol in my life I need to make it right and not honor it. God has to be the king of my life and he wants no others or anything to come before him. If there is I need to make
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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