Friday, July 08, 2005
Bear Jesus Cross live for him
Last night you told me not to shove Jesus to you. I am asking you to stop offending my man for president. I happen to think Bush is right on the warming thing and I do not want money going to a false problem when it ought to go to our land. Global warming is a fact that we are all going to be off this earth one day and to me face the Lord. It is in the bible and it is the truth you choose not to believe and want us to solve with human efforts. It is not going to ever be solved and it is going to get worse. I choose to think the real issue is not global greenhouse gas it is the end of the world and all the junk you want me to believe is all trash. I say fine if you want to support global warming then sell off your home and give to green peace. I am not going to and I am hoping the USA is not either. I am going to spread the good news that the hope for anyone in found in God. Money, dope, and any kind of thing that we do is not going to solve the worlds end. We are going to have to face the Maker and there is not some big bang, God made the earth and He is going to unmake it. I will spread my faith to that entire here me and tell the others they are wrong and if you do not thing that is right too bad. Jesus is the only way to make it to heaven all other ways end in hell I will die for that and I will never change my mind. Muslims are not right they kill people that do not convert, Catholics deny the Good news of Jesus, Hindus are wrong. Jesus died and rose from the grave and will return. Are you ready?
Know for some encouragement Jesus wants us to take up our cross for him and die to ourselves every day. It is not your problems he wants you to bear it is the cross. Jesus demands are not all that hard knowing he loves us and died for us on the cross. We are not in this faith for gain to us it is for the gain of Jesus and his glory we love him. It is so self-centered to live for our own life. I heard it said that the Christian is a slave to Jesus and his work. It is a thing that we no longer have to live for our own needs and wants, we are to give all our needs to Jesus and let him fill them and when he does give him the glory. I am not to fill my needs or solve my problems I am to give and then my problems go to the sky. Giving is the key to bearing the cross of Jesus. Friend I see it more and more the times I have needs I give somehow and my needs are met. I give and the Lord gives to me. I think Jesus set it up that way; we meet others needs and our needs are met. However do not live in the give to get thing because that never is right. Give to love the Lord and he will meet every need you have. Bear his cross and prepare to suffer for your faith and when you live for Jesus and stand on his word you are going to be a target for the folks that do not Love the Lord Jesus and the Christians that seem to not live all for Jesus. I know that is a struggle to live a high life and when I am not as solid as I need to be I make light of them who are living a life bearing Jesus cross and suffering.
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?[1]
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
Know for some encouragement Jesus wants us to take up our cross for him and die to ourselves every day. It is not your problems he wants you to bear it is the cross. Jesus demands are not all that hard knowing he loves us and died for us on the cross. We are not in this faith for gain to us it is for the gain of Jesus and his glory we love him. It is so self-centered to live for our own life. I heard it said that the Christian is a slave to Jesus and his work. It is a thing that we no longer have to live for our own needs and wants, we are to give all our needs to Jesus and let him fill them and when he does give him the glory. I am not to fill my needs or solve my problems I am to give and then my problems go to the sky. Giving is the key to bearing the cross of Jesus. Friend I see it more and more the times I have needs I give somehow and my needs are met. I give and the Lord gives to me. I think Jesus set it up that way; we meet others needs and our needs are met. However do not live in the give to get thing because that never is right. Give to love the Lord and he will meet every need you have. Bear his cross and prepare to suffer for your faith and when you live for Jesus and stand on his word you are going to be a target for the folks that do not Love the Lord Jesus and the Christians that seem to not live all for Jesus. I know that is a struggle to live a high life and when I am not as solid as I need to be I make light of them who are living a life bearing Jesus cross and suffering.
24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. 25 For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. 26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?[1]
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.