Saturday, June 04, 2005
Get rid of evil NOW
If I had a Koran and I could I would burn it because it is full of lies and bad things. It is a sin to like it and a sin to like it. We are told in the BIBLE not to like or even hint anything evil. I think it is evil to do lots of things in this day. It is evil to look at porn and to do drugs. It is evil to make anything or anyone a God except the Lord Jesus. ALL other faiths and creeds to the bible are evil. Friend it is evil to lie and to steal and to hate in any form and to disobey your parents. ANYTHING THAT MAKES JESUS NOT SUPREAME IS EVIL. If you believe in evolution your evil and if you break any commands your evil.
Tonight’s command gives me the demand to hate evil. I also am to abstain from any form of evil. If I do any sin I am not perfect and evil is in my heart, Here is the passage to think about tonight.
1 thes. 5 22 Abstain from every form of evil.[1]
It is a clear order from Jesus though Paul. Do not be a part of evil. Do not be a part of this world that is anti God and Anti God. It is not that hard to do. But if we live it folks are going to wonder and think we are weird won’t they. They are going to see we do not drink or go to bars after work. They are going to wonder why we do not think the dirty joke is funny. They come to my home and find no porn or no trash on my TV set. No porn movies and no drugs. Drugs are evil so is porn. I do not want to view things Jesus cannot watch with me. I do not want to live and go places the Lord cannot go. Jesus said he is not going to leave you but if your in a place that is filled with sin and you Love him I wonder if in some ways we leave him places we go that he told us not to.
SO if you’re evil what ought you do? You stop it. If your saved stop evil acts. If your not saved, then you need to be saved and you ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you and ask him to live in a righteous way. If you keep acting in the evil and just think you can clean up after it confession your lying and you need to stop living that way. Jesus did not save us so we can live like hell, he saved us to live to his glory and if we do not we are not living right and we ought to make sure we are saved. God does not live in you for nothing get your heart right and live for Jesus Christ because friend you’re going to be called on your life.
All Life change is in the spirit I know that well. But you make sure you do your part and that is your clean and confessed all your sins. Use your head and make righteous choices. If your sin is drugs stop them and get help. Stop hanging out with friends that cause you to do the drugs. God will help you if you do part. If your in sexual sin then break it off with any partner and never see them again. If your sin is a idol burn it to the ground and never go to it again. If your saved your not to go to sinful hangouts. God is not going to bless you if your not trying. There are friends in my life I cannot be with because they bring my walk down and mock Jesus Christ
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
Tonight’s command gives me the demand to hate evil. I also am to abstain from any form of evil. If I do any sin I am not perfect and evil is in my heart, Here is the passage to think about tonight.
1 thes. 5 22 Abstain from every form of evil.[1]
It is a clear order from Jesus though Paul. Do not be a part of evil. Do not be a part of this world that is anti God and Anti God. It is not that hard to do. But if we live it folks are going to wonder and think we are weird won’t they. They are going to see we do not drink or go to bars after work. They are going to wonder why we do not think the dirty joke is funny. They come to my home and find no porn or no trash on my TV set. No porn movies and no drugs. Drugs are evil so is porn. I do not want to view things Jesus cannot watch with me. I do not want to live and go places the Lord cannot go. Jesus said he is not going to leave you but if your in a place that is filled with sin and you Love him I wonder if in some ways we leave him places we go that he told us not to.
SO if you’re evil what ought you do? You stop it. If your saved stop evil acts. If your not saved, then you need to be saved and you ask the Lord Jesus to forgive you and ask him to live in a righteous way. If you keep acting in the evil and just think you can clean up after it confession your lying and you need to stop living that way. Jesus did not save us so we can live like hell, he saved us to live to his glory and if we do not we are not living right and we ought to make sure we are saved. God does not live in you for nothing get your heart right and live for Jesus Christ because friend you’re going to be called on your life.
All Life change is in the spirit I know that well. But you make sure you do your part and that is your clean and confessed all your sins. Use your head and make righteous choices. If your sin is drugs stop them and get help. Stop hanging out with friends that cause you to do the drugs. God will help you if you do part. If your in sexual sin then break it off with any partner and never see them again. If your sin is a idol burn it to the ground and never go to it again. If your saved your not to go to sinful hangouts. God is not going to bless you if your not trying. There are friends in my life I cannot be with because they bring my walk down and mock Jesus Christ
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.