Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Prayed and Stef Perfect

I knew stef and I am going to the wedding this week of Katie. I am a little shook and sad by this one. How it happened makes me steam to, I mean for the punks to be racing and kill incent folks is so sad and it makes me boil. I am glad they are saved and Jesus is theirs. I am sad they died and had to die so young and stuff to. It is time to forgive the people and focus on Jesus if that is possible. I have had a few deaths hit home this last couple of months and I am learning that death is a truth I am going to face and I know Jesus is one to trust to get me to heaven because I am so needful of his grace. I got to lean on him and nothing else and that is hard to do sometimes. Death is not the fair thing for folks that Love Jesus and long to serve him and this is a hard thing to take when the sin of the world takes a life that I know the Lord can use to win many souls and stuff. But they say death is a part of life and so may the Lord himself bring his joy to all the mourners and know heaven is there is that joy

Shad man

I might get more help in the job thing from a service in Saint Cloud but who knows. I am hopeful for a job but it is not going to happen till the Lord wants it I hope. I am trying to make some more mps3 tonight for the plane ride and the messages bob sent would not copy. They work on my computer but they will not copy to a mp3 disk that works on my player. I still can work with them and learn the news that Jesus is good and he is working hard in me and for me. I got to go get more music so be back in a hour.

I am making a Masters music cd for my trip so I am able to play it on the way out there. I am going to make a cons set to sometime. I love the cons because they all have to raise money to go and proclaim the Love of Jesus all over the place. I love masters because they are not compromiceing the bible and they honor it in all they do. But if you read my blog your going to know that right?

I want to focus on prayer tonight and type out a prayer and pray

Lord I am happy your greater than all and I am not that great. Lord I am glad that you rule everything and I am just as part of your plan. Lord how good is it that you care for me and Love me and long for me. Lord I need a focus on you. In thinking today lord I thought on the things your going to do for me and to me in the end of time and they are to lead me to heaven. I know for millions your faithful Lord and I am not one your faithfulness is going to stop for. Lord helps me to be faithful to you in my life and help me do good works not to earn your love but to give your love away.

Lord I am a sinner that without your forgiveness will die but I am so blessed Lord Jesus that you died for me and all my sins. Lord help me to rest in that forgiving arm and help me to rest in the truth about my sins. Father forgive me know for the sin I confess in mty heart.

I give you praise Lord for your provision to me in this time of no work. I am not in need and you have provided. Lord thank you for the clothes and the food but thank you lord for the gift’s that you’re given to me and they are many, many things Lord. You give me all I need in Jesus and that alone is a reason to shine for you.

Lord I ask you for your time and your job for me. Lord place me in a place to serve you and help me in my work to honor you better and not get mad all the time. Lord I want to serve you wherever I go and I want to do your solid will. Lord place me in a Job and do it in your time Lord. Lord I want to ask you to protect Erin, as she is going g out for a team. Help her to work hard and play for you and help others work on their life’s when they see her light. I pray for the Perfect family and the woods family as they mourn the loss of Stef and her family. Help me to forgive the ones that did this and help the law to do its things to the kids. Lord be with Jessie and save her as well as so many that need heaven. I ask you to give the conviction to all that I know that do not love Jesus and are not serving him. I ask you for the nights sleep to be restful and give me a good day of job hunting and lead me into the right place. Jesus I adore you and love you Jesus in your name amen.

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