Monday, May 30, 2005


Erin and my problem with the touges movement

I got a bad cold so pray for me so I am able to feel better. I went to the Game this weekend and got to chat with Erin B my friend that played in the wnba. It went ok she said she might email me sometime and that would be fine. I can say I got a friend there, which I am happy about. I can keep some distance and pray for her and email her some. I know I am better at that and I am improving. I must know Jesus used her to change my life for him. I sis not Jesus did. I am happy and got this friend back where I wanted to. I want you to pray for me as I am working to not bug Erin and the Buescher’s and keep walking tight in the Lord Jesus. Carman is playing on TBN and I am not sure that I care for him. He mocked the Lord in his music and he is not solid in doctrine. He wants to get folks saved yet they might not get proper follow up in his type of church. I want to see folks get into the church that is truth. I am sorry but the folks that claim a faith that include speaking in new tongues and healing on demand are not good. I got some friends that think this is the truth and want me to trust in this stuff and I stongely do not believe in their truth. I do not seek a second baptism into the spirit, I do not want Gift to Heal and I am not into word of faith teachers. I am not going to go to Living Word Christian Center in MN because the preacher is not right in the bible. I think TBN ought to shut down I learned it from John Macarthur and for years I have seen it in the bible. I KNOW Heather and the Carlson’s are not going to love me because I reject faith they want me to accept. I live by the Masters College Doctuine statement. John Macarthur has this in the statement.
We teach that there were two kinds of gifts given the early church: miraculous gifts of divine revelation and healing, given temporarily in the apostolic era for the purpose of confirming the authenticity of the apostles’ message (Heb. 2:3,4; 2 Cor. 12:12); and ministering gifts, given to equip believers for edifying one another. With the New a man’s message, and confirming gifts of a miraculous nature are no longer necessary to validate a man or his message (1 Cor. 13:8–12). Miraculous gifts can even be counterfeited by Satan so as to deceive even believers (Matt. 24:24). The only gifts in operation today are those non-revelatory equipping gifts given for edification (Rom. 12:6–8).
All the gift were for the basic theme to show the truth was in Jesus and when our bible was done the gifts are then to gone. I want to see Benny Hinn do a true thing. He is fake. Jesus healed all the way anything unlike the frauds today. Note it is not necessary to do the thing to make the bible real. It is the Bible alone where God speaks and if you have ANY visions you better show it me in the Bible. It is the bible alone that makes my faith. I will never trust in anything else. If the bible does not claim it you’re lying to me. And sometimes you get folks that make a prophecy and they are not true thus they are fake. If the Lord said in the bible then it is truth and if not then it is not. Also I believe that all Christian are the folks that will get the bible. If your not saved your bible is not going to be good to you. I fight with my kin and they want me to make it ok to be Gay and I tell them the bible is truth and I cannot accept the gays life and they have fits with me. Or they tell me I am wrong in voting for the bible and to me they got no right to know the truth and I am not going to change their views. Or they tell me it is a cultural thing; I reject that if they are saying the bible is wrong in the name of progress. I want to begin a little thing called God Command of the night. God has tons of thing we are to do because we are his.
[1]MacArthur, J. J. (1997, c1997). The MacArthur Study Bible (electronic ed.) (Re 21:27). Nashville: Word Pub.

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