Sunday, April 10, 2005


Love Jesus with all of your ...

I feel I need to work on a bible passages about first I want to make you think about the issue of working for Jesus with the rewards in mind. I think it is ok to do your work in Jesus and know that you are putting things in heaven for your life there. We are commanded to seek his kingdom in the sermon of the mount and we are commanded to work our Jobs as unto the lord. Also to store up things in heaven where they will not get damaged. I want to look at one more thing and that is this issue of giving. Are we not told in the bible to test the Lord and see if he will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on those who give? I am not into the tithe but I think we give from our hearts and I think 10 percent is good. I also know people tell me they are faithful to the Lord and he blesses them that do this. I also know the blessing is not always money but I think it is. Look at my windfall. I am sure I am not as faithful and the Lord blessed me and in a big way. I am to honor the Lord and I have and I think it is a blessing. Lesson is that I am going to be faithful and trust the Lord for his provision and when the blessings come I am going to give to the Lord the blessing and bless him. Also I am going to be honest and not hide the check and be a fraud and rip off the government but I am going to spend it to a point where it is right. Oh I have a plan and I am going to use it where I want to.

If you care I got a team for baseball and email me and I will let you see it. Do it at or leave a comment and I am going to get back to you and if you have anything you want to talk about on things I say or did not say use the comments and keep them clean. I do read them and I like to get them because I know your reading the blog and I am happy people are reading me. It is fun to know your making a difference. If your readings tell me where you are so I am able to know I am read all over. I sometimes will try to comment on blogs and get them here so if you’re here for the first time or the 20th please tell me.

I got one of the best cds ever tonight it is Al Denson. He is a singer and I am going to leave his site somewhere for you to go and get his stuff. He has a song about getting saved and compared it to leaving akatras and you ought to get the cd and listen to him.

Lets look into the word at the next part of Matt.

34 But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Since one set of the leaders are gone the other set are going to take a shot on Jesus to trip him in his teaching. They want to know the commandment that mattered the most to the Lord. Somehow they want to have reason to kill Jesus and make him out to be a nobody to the people and Jesus won’t go down without a fight

Jesus said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”[1]
Jesus here has defined the life we are to live and I think it is the law of the Lord in one place. We are to Love God with our heart. It is to make him the focus of everything we do. If I love the Lord nothing is going to be over him. I am to make him the center of all I do. Heart is the center of ones life. Maybe it might mean we are to place Jesus at the center of all we do and are and make him the one thing we focus on. We are to love him with all our soul. It might mean our emotional life and feelings are to focus on the Lord. If we center our lifes on Jesus our affections for Jesus are going to follow. We are to love the Lord with our minds. We are to use our thinking to honor the Lord and study him. We ought to think on the Lord all the time and make him our life. We love the Lord by excelling in all we do. We Christians ought to be the best at everything like sports and arts. We ought to work in school and get good grades and do our best. I think we are to be excellent. I went bowling and one of the prizes was for low score and I wanted to win but I felt it is wrong to go for the worst when Jesus gave us his best and we are to be like Jesus.

Failing to keep this command is the worst sin you can ever do, and I FAIL ALL THE TIME. Jesus made this the highest thing. SO how do I fail to keep this? I do not witness like I am told to. In keeping this we need to belong to God and be saved. If we do not belong to Jesus we cannot Love him like we ought. Here is a quote from the book I am reading with this lesion and series

The person who truly loves the Lord with all his heart and soul and mind is the person who trusts Him and obeys Him. That person demonstrates his love by meditating on God’s glory (Ps. 18:1–3), trusting in God’s divine power (Ps. 31:23), seeking fellowship with God (Ps. 63:1–8), loving God’s law (Ps. 119:165), being sensitive to how God feels (Ps. 69:9), loving what God loves (Ps. 119:72, 97, 103), loving whom God loves (1 John 5:1), hating what God hates (Ps. 97:10), grieving over sin (Matt. 26:75), rejecting the world (1 John 2:15), longing to be with Christ (2 Tim. 4:8), and obeying God wholeheartedly (John 14:21).[2]

Here is tonight bottom line it is to take one thing in the list and work it out with the Lord. I need to reject the world better. How is this going to affect you?

Shadman ‘Twins win
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.
[2]MacArthur, John F., Matthew: The MacArthur New Testament Commentary, (Chicago: Moody Press) 1989.

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