Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Jesus was and is real
Hi all you folks that are coming to the blog Iam doing. Some from Masters college and one from the military. Whether this is your first time or your tenth time I hope you look and read me and know I am putting time in this for you. I am brash and to the point but I want you to know the Lord and I love you and I am glad you took time to read my blog. I am working though a book about why Jesus is real and how we see proof. I know it is not the most growing thing but I am doing it to lay a foundation that we we build on in our life’s. I guess if folks look for the truth and we have it and present it they will be informed. I know Jesus is real but does this affect my life in a relationship or not. I want to think of this tonight, Was Jesus a mental person that claimed to be God? I want to look at this a bit. Jesus made some claims that he was the Lord God. What are some things that show he was who he was? Look first at his feeling and emotions. Did Jesus express himself in a wrong way? Look at his sorrow when Lazerth died he wept and was sad over it. It is a normal thing to be sad at the passing of a friend. Jesus anger was in the temple we were making a den of money in a place where God was to be worshiped and that was ok for him to be angered by that. In his anger he had rational comment so we know that he was healthy in that area. Jesus had a healthy love for people and he did not gloat when people honor him but he was humble and a perfect people person that people loved and wanted to be around. If Jesus were sick people were not going to hang with him. Jesus hung with people in all levels of life to. He was not nuts.
Ok Jesus said he was GOD so what did Jesus do to back this claim up.
Jesus did many healings. He healed many people from many things. He called a dead man out of a tomb. He told a dead gal to arise. He called demons out of people and the demons knew who he was and feared Jesus. He calmed a storm by his words. I believe Jesus did all the bible tells us. Here is a list of all the miracles that Jesus did. Go to
Some maintain that Jesus had the gift to fake people out and make them think that he did things he really did not do. Like made a person think they were healed of something. I think some healers do this today and I am going to study that on another day but not tonight. Jesus was not a fake healer. Look at the water going into wine. Jesus never told the guest to think it was wine but they thought it was the best wine they had. Jesus never told the people what he did. I list the story at the end of tonight’s lesion.
Also if Jesus is a fake then you got a doubter and a empty tomb. If you think of it Thomas makes me feel good and Jesus restores him after he rose to prove he was real. If Jesus is a fake then I think that Thomas was not needed to make it real. You also got 500 people that said he rose and they all saw him at one time. Jesus did rise and live again.
Here is the point all the non-thinker claim Jesus is not God. But he is
I found a site or the ring of Masters college blogs. I love Masters because they have done much in my walk with Jesus, I think the Lord used Erin a masters kid to help me find Jesus, Donavan he uses to grow me. Mike roe and Katie Woods are also been good to me. Mark Tat lock aka the Doctor is a good friend. Many of you blogger I am aim you to come to my blog. I want you each to know you’re a part of a place that really got me into Jesus deep and I love you all. SO I am adding some of you to my list
she did pray for me in my life thank you Gracie and I love you in Jesus
Ok Jesus said he was GOD so what did Jesus do to back this claim up.
Jesus did many healings. He healed many people from many things. He called a dead man out of a tomb. He told a dead gal to arise. He called demons out of people and the demons knew who he was and feared Jesus. He calmed a storm by his words. I believe Jesus did all the bible tells us. Here is a list of all the miracles that Jesus did. Go to
Some maintain that Jesus had the gift to fake people out and make them think that he did things he really did not do. Like made a person think they were healed of something. I think some healers do this today and I am going to study that on another day but not tonight. Jesus was not a fake healer. Look at the water going into wine. Jesus never told the guest to think it was wine but they thought it was the best wine they had. Jesus never told the people what he did. I list the story at the end of tonight’s lesion.
Also if Jesus is a fake then you got a doubter and a empty tomb. If you think of it Thomas makes me feel good and Jesus restores him after he rose to prove he was real. If Jesus is a fake then I think that Thomas was not needed to make it real. You also got 500 people that said he rose and they all saw him at one time. Jesus did rise and live again.
Here is the point all the non-thinker claim Jesus is not God. But he is
I found a site or the ring of Masters college blogs. I love Masters because they have done much in my walk with Jesus, I think the Lord used Erin a masters kid to help me find Jesus, Donavan he uses to grow me. Mike roe and Katie Woods are also been good to me. Mark Tat lock aka the Doctor is a good friend. Many of you blogger I am aim you to come to my blog. I want you each to know you’re a part of a place that really got me into Jesus deep and I love you all. SO I am adding some of you to my list
she did pray for me in my life thank you Gracie and I love you in Jesus