Monday, March 14, 2005


Jesus did this for you

I am work in a book called Case for Christ. I have gone into lots of why Jesus is true. For you that are atheists I cannot see why you hold to the claim Jesus is a fairy tale. How could he be with all I am reading? All the history around the time points to Jesus being real. All the bible out there point to it being real and the people of that day that do not love him still claim he was real. So one has to decide for him or her own salvation. It is going to be you stand and tell your life before Jesus. If you are not saved it is not going to be a good day for you. I want to cut it to this simple thing, I do not care where you stand on any bible command or verse I want to narrow it to one thing and it is what will you do with Jesus and his death for you. That is the truth and you accept it your saved and if not you’re in hell. No other tests any other reason. Jesus is the giver of heaven and to not take Jesus is to choose Hell. I cut it right to the truth friend and I am not going to dance around it. SO Here is the truth on Jesus death as I know it. I want to begin this with the end of the road and you will get why as you read. Many people claim Jesus did not die on the cross. They said he was taken down alive and the body is missing. Well if you claim that then looking at the events are going to shake you. Lets look at them.

In the garden Jesus sweated blood. This is called hematidrosis. It is a thing one gets from deep emotional stress. Look it up on the net and research it. Here is a link for you to look at So Jesus skin also became soft and not ready for a beating.

Jesus then goes at night to a trail and that is where Pilate and Jesus exchanged words. Jesus is striped and flogged. This means he was whipped and beaten up. They took a leather belt and put glass and led balls on it and hit Jesus 39 times. He has soft skin so the skin ripped. It is hard to type out but I want to show you the pain Jesus suffered for you so I am going to be truthful. In flogging a man is whipped many times and it ripped the skin open and it hurts. Also your bones and musels are ripped to shreds. The back is gone and I think bones could have been deeply bused. Blood was lost to because the veins are broke. It is a cause of death. Jesus however does not die yet.

Jesus then was given a robe (on his back that had been beaten and wounds were there.), so they can mock him as king and a thorned crown was pressed on his head. It was pressed in so the scull of Jesus is all bloody. Then the robe is ripped off opening the bloody back. All the blood lost and all the veins are open. It is not good to bleed. So if the Lord Jesus was not dead he was wounded and not in shape to go anywhere. If you think of the Lord and the carrying the cross it is a thought that this would be possible. Jesus was not in shape. It must have been his Father helping him. I see Jesus beaten and badly wounded. Also the heavy cross is pressing into the wounds of Jesus and he is in pain. He had to be helped to get the cross to the hill.

Jesus is then put to the beam and nailed there. He is hung with the arms of his hung and his feet and nailed to this cross, painful to think about. He dies of no way to breathe. If you are thinking he did not die think of the poke he got on the side damaging the heart where the blood goes into the heart and pumps. It was not getting there.

SO to think Jesus walked away alive is not a truth to take here. Jesus was dead and they put him into a sealed grave. If the roman’s lost the body they were going to die. And think if Jesus is alive after all the things I told you he has to roll a stone away that are tons. Not only that his wounds are so bad he does not heal. A tear in his muscles had to heal. I know this is not going to happen to alive Jesus.

Jesus died a horrid death and it is all for you and me. Amen? He came back to life but the reasons have to wait for a while

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