Thursday, March 31, 2005


Called and Chosen

I need to hit a little hard on one verse tonight. It is not the theology of one of the church I go to. I want to hit a bit on the truth that Jesus picks people before they are born. I need to place this out so people know. Here is the verse. I must note that this writing is not the views of some churches and some might not think this is right but I am ok with thagt

14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”[1]

Called and chosen. Both words are in the verse and both tonight I am going to work into and allow you the reader to think for yourself. Jesus said that many are called. The Greek word makes this word to mean invited or called. It has the thinking that God invited people to heaven. So many are invited to heaven but few are chosen meaning picked out or chosen. Rephrasing the verse many are invited and few are chosen to go to heaven. Many do not think this is right and I see to a point they are right. If one calls on the name of Jesus then he is saved. I think some do call and we are to offer the truth all the people but God has divinely selected the ones that he is going to save. I think to a point 2 people hear the same thing and one repents and the other does not. I think Jesus has picked one and the other has not been picked. However it is not the Lords fault that the second comes to no call for Jesus.
Here is the truth and that is you alone are the one responsible for your salvation and Gods choice is a secret to me. I think as long as you know life you can get saved. One asks Why does Jesus choose one and not another and I say we do not know and we need to trust him alone for the things that he does and we need to share the Lord with all the people we meet and live as we are the only bible others will ever need. Yet Jesus does choose the ones he allows into his kingdom.
If your reading this you are chosen and you ought to make it right between you and Jesus Christ.

Here is my take on Calvinism

Total depravity
Unconditional election
Limited atonement
Irresistible grace
Perseverance of the saints

Total depravity does not equal total inability. Having been made in
God's image gives us the ability to choose. (Otherwise Adam COULD NOT
Have fallen). You stated it nicely. Hyper Calvinists take depravity to
Equal inability. A dangerous path to tread when one confuses the words
God has said.

Unconditional Election. God did elect, yes. I think you know what I
Think, but I'll use an analogy to clear it up a little. If you knew that
The Red Sox were going to win tonight game against the Yankees, did you
cause it? Did you force them to go out and play? Did you sabotage the
Yankees? Or did they play and win? If they played and won, were they
not only doing what they were supposed to do, or did (again I ask) you
make them win?

Limited atonement. Christ died for all. Again you stated it eloquently.

Irresistible grace. We can resist being in God's grace. He could force
grace on us, but that does not mean that grace=salvation. Grace is even
allowing us to "play the game" If you don't want to even get on the
field, how can you possible be an over comer in the event?

Perseverance of the saints. True and not because of the saint ability
to persevere, but because of the God who loves us and strengthens us and
works through us are we able to do this.
[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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