Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Y did God kill 50,000

I got a thought on the earthquake tonight. I am sad due to the mass of death. Over 50,000 have died in the biggest natural disaster in my life time. A earthquake made waves that killed all the people. I ask and am going to explain Why did God allow or perhaps send this mass of death. Hey it is a fair thing to ask I think and maybe we can learn something.

First did the Lord know or send this disaster. I know this God knows all there is to know and he knew this would happen. He made the earth and he has the right to do as he wants. But the bible said the Lord is not a evil person and will not do evil. God has said that all things will work out for them who love him and the bible said God is not willing to let people repent. Yet he rules the nature and the weather. Jesus also knew all the people that died and he choose to let them die. Jesus knows me and I will die. One app is I never can know the time of my death and neither can you. Lets live to tell the good news and clean up our lives and be right.

Second Why does God allow us to live. We are sinners and at anytime Jesus has the right to kill us for sinning. It is a act of God that your alive, It is grace that you got a computer and grace that you can read. God could of made you blind and does not have to allow you to have the job you have. God has the right to kill you for 1 sin. So is it right to question God. I kind of do. It makes me sad and fearful for this.

I think of all the missions that are over there. How many people knew Jesus and had a life in heaven and how many are in Hell. I know it is hard to think of this and it makes me urge people to get saved and do it tonight. Friend we never know do we really. You could be driving and get hit. Death is real and so in Heaven and Hell. Reggie white died at 43. He is another night but he died so young. People you just cannot take life for granted. If your not enjoying life your missing out. Friend do not take another day and risk death. Live and enjoy life

I must talk on the Vikes tonight. I am sad we are keeping Tice. We need to fire him and find a better man to coach our team. But if we make the playoffs then I might be ok with the move.

Here is a Bible study on Death

Why do people die?
Consequence of sin.
Gen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

It is not and was not going to be till sin came into the world. People did not die as fast till the sins got worse. If sin were not in the race humans. Jesus however ended death for people who come to him

Here is tonight's line. Death is a for sure thing prepare for it


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