Saturday, December 18, 2004


Jesus starts his campain

It is a good day and the Lord is alive and well. I am bored and that is my fault. I am not going to say merry Christmas at work I am going to say happy season. I am sad about that but what can I really do nothing really. I am needing the money and they need my service and wherever I go it is going to be the same. The world hates the Lord and I am in it and hate it but he is going to be lifted up in all anyhow.

What is your favorite color of ice cream? I want to write things to open here to make you get to know me. I thing the best ice cream there is Cholate chip. It is better than any kind of ice cream. It is spotted white. I guess I like white and spots on them.

I started to read the bible in a year to see If I will stick to it. I am in the book of Gen. But I want to go all the way and read the Lords word. I want to know what the Lord has to say and worship him alone.

Here is tonight’s Bible thought

12 Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee. 13 And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali, 14 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying:

15 “The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,

By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,

Galilee of the Gentiles:

16 The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light,

And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death

Light has dawned.”

17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”[1]

I have said it before that the book of Matthew was written to show you the truth that Jesus is the king. All over this book we find that he is going to use the old to prove Jesus is the king. Jesus here is placed in a real place at a real time. The place is the land of Zebulun and the Land of Naphtali. It is north of the Sea of Galilee. John has been arrested and the Lord takes over. His place right now is on a trade route.

I make this short but in this passage I see the prophet and Matthew pointing the Lord and the light of the world. Jesus is the Light. When Jesus walks and tells people and myself he is the light it means to me that his eyes can see the sin of the world. Also I think of Jesus coming to a world of darkness and void. Jesus came to bring light and a hope to me and forgive me of all my sins. People in the world are sinner and there was no hope of the Lord. Now there is light and hope for anyone who turns to Jesus, I guess I do not buy into there is light only to the elect. Jesus call is for anyone and everyone. Death has been done away with and now Jesus is the light to the dark word. If we call on Jesus he gives the light to show us sin and the way to know God.

So the word is there for our hope and that word is repent. I repeat myself in this words definition. Repent is to turn to Jesus and from sin. It means you agree you’re a sinner and you turn from the sin and to the grace of God. It also means you do not sin again. You’re done with sin. No you will sin and Jesus will forgive you but your freedom and light is the truth you do not have to sin and you learn not to sin.

Here is a Easton Bible Def


There are three Greek words used in the New Testament to denote repentance.

(1.) The verb metamelomai is used of a change of mind, such as to produce regret or even remorse on account of sin, but not necessarily a change of heart. This word is used with reference to the repentance of Judas (Matt. 27:3).

(2.) Metanoeo, meaning to change one’s mind and purpose, as the result of after knowledge.

(3.) This verb, with the cognate noun metanoia, is used of true repentance, a change of mind and purpose and life, to which remission of sin is promised.

Evangelical repentance consists of (1) a true sense of one’s own guilt and sinfulness; (2) an apprehension of God’s mercy in Christ; (3) an actual hatred of sin (Ps. 119:128; Job 42:5, 6; 2 Cor. 7:10) and turning from it to God; and (4) a persistent endeavour after a holy life in a walking with God in the way of his commandments.

The true penitent is conscious of guilt (Ps. 51:4, 9), of pollution (Ps. 51:5, 7, 10), and of helplessness (Ps. 51:11; 109:21, 22). Thus he apprehends himself to be just what God has always seen him to be and declares him to be. But repentance comprehends not only such a sense of sin, but also an apprehension of mercy, without which there can be no true repentance (Ps. 51:1; 130:4).


Merry Christmas

[1]The New King James Version, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers) 1998, c1982.

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