Thursday, December 30, 2004


Gentle and goals for my year

First off tonight is the last one year. It has been a great time writing this last year. I have done 104 things like this since Aug. I am proud of that. I want to do 300 in the next year ALL ON THE NET. It gives me a chance to ponder Jesus and to have you think and read along. My goals for the next 365.

1 Read the bible every night. I want to read the whole thing and learn how to be fed in the Lord.
2 Study a part of the word every night.
3 Saver 1000 on top of what I already have. It is just 84 a month. I could do more but why not start small.
4 Tithe and give to missions 500

Work Goals.
1 No write ups.
2 learn 2 stations
3 make 6000
4 be content at my work

exerice goals
1 go to Y 3 times a week
2 bike every day possible
3 Learn to cook a meal a week

My Spirit Life
1 Take notes on sermons and keep them
2 Study every night
3 Read the bible in a year
4 Complete the bible classes at both GBC and Grace

My friends
1 Make one new friend this year
2 make a non Christian friend and love him
3 Do a activity with a friend 2 times a week
4 Email each person on my list one time a month personally

I am going to try to keep track of the goals all year and hope to make each of them and exceed all of them.

Here is a bible lesson for tonight

Blessed are the meek,
For they shall inherit the earth.

Rephaseing this
Happy are the Meek for they are going to inherit the earth. Lets define the word Meek. It is to be gentle and kind. Meekness is a peaceful kind of thing. If I am meek I am going to be gentle to people and to the animals the Lord made. It mean not squirting the cat at my aunts home but to be gentle with them. I had a cat as a kid and her name was mittens, She loved to sleep on my bed all the time (even after the abuse she got with me.) We ought to treat the Lords world with respect. It does not mean we can eat the things in it either.

Meek is also to be humble in the Lord. It is to know we are nothing under the power of God. We ought to be humble and lay low at time in our admiring and worship of the Lord. It is being child like in our awe of the Lord Jesus. Like think of the first time when Jesus touched your heart. It for me was in the days after I asked Jesus into my heart he was there and I felt new and blessed. Of I want to live in the renewing flow of Jesus.

If your meek you will inherit the earth. One day Jesus is going to restore to the meek the earth and in that day it goes to the meek. We are going to live here and be in a earth with no sin. One day the earth will be in the righteous hands of the Lord.

I need to be gentle in my witness. I am kind of brash and that drives sinners away. If I am gentle then I am going to win more people to Jesus and people are going to see the Lord in my life and my heart. I do not want to drive them to away but I want to be a gentle man and one that leads others to Jesus


Good luck with all of your goals! God Bless - a random blogger reader from Texas
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